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PCP 09-06-2006
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PCP 09-06-2006
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - AUGUST 2, 2006 <br /> DRAFT 5 <br /> . Todd Vandeberg, 1266 Wynridgc Drive, stated he was not opposed to the addition, but he <br /> had a concern with the existing noise. He noted his house backcd up to the air <br /> conditioning and exhaust vents and they could hear the constant hum even with their <br /> windows closed. He asked if they could ask the applicant to move the air conditioning <br /> units somewhere else, or to build some type of a sound barrier/sound wall. <br /> Mark Anton, 1263 Wynridge Drive, stated he had the same concerns as Mr. Vandeberg. <br /> He believed the applicant has always been respectful of community concerns, but he <br /> believed this equipment was put in thc worst area. He stated even with their windows <br /> closed, thcy could hear the noise. He stated he was not opposed to thc addition, but was <br /> opposed to the existing noise. <br /> Judd Brasch, rcprcscntativc of Boston Scicntific, statcd therc was a cooling unit and <br /> when it was originally installed it did produce more noise than expected and they had <br /> attempted to suppress the noise. Hc noted the proposed addition on the west side had two <br /> heights and it was their intent to put the new mechanical equipment on the new roof of <br /> the lower building so it would be screened from the residential area by the higher <br /> building. He indicated they were also considering moving the unit on the north and put it <br /> on the same lower roof of the addition. He believed this would aid in increasing the <br /> distance between the neighborhood and the mechanical equipment. He noted, however, <br /> this had not been resolved yet and it would depend on the capacity needed. He stated the <br /> northwest side of the addition would require the removal of a couple of trees, but he was <br /> . not sure how many trees would need to come down. <br /> Chair Sand asked if thcy would be willing to look at the noise issues of the existing air <br /> conditioning units. Mr. Brasch responded they would look at this and attempt to resolve <br /> the concerns. He stated they could look at additional steps to take. <br /> Counci1member Larson noted condition 8 indicated if they exceeded the MPCA noise <br /> level, applicant would be required to reduce the noise. lie asked if they agreed to do that <br /> Mr. Brasch responded they would. <br /> Chair Sand closed the public hearing at 7:35 p.m. <br /> Commissioner Thompson stated even with condition 8, it would be that if it met the <br /> requirements of MPCA that they would not need to make any adjustment so she <br /> rccommended a revised condition 8. She believed as app1icanl continued to grow it was <br /> important for the residents to be acceptable of the noise. <br /> Commissioner McClung asked when the last time a reading of the noise levels had been <br /> done and what were they. Dan Riehle facilities manager for Boston Scientific, responded <br /> he could not tell them exactly what the last readings were, but he believed the readings <br /> were taken in April, 2006 and hc could gct the information to the City. <br /> . Commissioner McClung stated he was supportive of the addition, but he had a concern <br /> regarding the noise issues and how it was affecting the neighborhood. <br /> -- DRAFT -- <br />
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