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PCP 08-03-2005
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JULY 6, 2005 7 <br /> easement at no cost to the developer to allow a 50-foot radius to be incorporated into the <br />. development. <br /> Connnissioner Larson asked if they would need to obtain right-of-way from the daycare <br /> also. Mr. Hellegers responded the Developer would need to work with Excel to move the <br /> pole and there might be a need to also obtain an easement from the daycare. <br /> Mr. Clark stated the other question they needed to discuss was that the traffic engineer <br /> study had discussed a 50-foot radius and this did not conform with other street <br /> intersections in the City. <br /> Mr. Brown stated a normal intersection had a 25-30 foot radius and he was not sure <br /> where the 50-foot reconnnendation eame from and they did not anticipate large truck <br /> traffic. He reconnnended as large of a radius as possible, but 50 feet appeared to be <br /> excessive and 25-30 would be more appropriate. <br /> Connnissioner Larson asked if this would stand out as being dissimilar to other streets <br /> that accessed Hamline. Mr. Brown replied it would. <br /> Dan Soler, Traffic Engineer Ramsey County Public Works Department, stated originally <br /> when he looked at the traffic study, he was not sure there was a number in it, but he <br /> agreed there should be some type of a radius on that corner. He indicated there are only <br /> two reasons why they would want a larger radius including a high number of semi.traetor <br />. trailers using the access and to ensure that when vehicles are turning they end up on the <br /> correct side of the road. He reconnnended there be a reasonable radius, such as 25-30 <br /> feet. He noted there were no 50-foot radius on Hamline and Highway 96. <br /> Connnissioner Zinnnerman asked if the County had any guidelines with respect to radius. <br /> Mr. Soler replied they did and the radius ranged from 25-50 feet depending upon the <br /> factors, but he recommended a 25-30 foot radius for this development. <br /> Chair Sand asked if there was adequate access on Highway 96 to stripe the highway for <br /> the turn lane. Mr. Soler replied there was sufficient width for a turn lane and he <br /> reconnnended striping and signing be put into place. <br /> Chair Sand asked if there should be an acceleration lane for exiting vehicles. Mr. Soler <br /> responded there was not sueh a lane anywhere else on Highway 96 and typieally they did <br /> not use acceleration lanes on Highway 96 or any other County roads. <br /> Connnissioner Modesette inquired about "U" turns. Mr. Soler stated "U" turns were not <br /> an issue anywhere there were "U" turns at a protected signal. He acknowledged "U" <br /> turns in some areas were a problem and in some areas they were not and it depended <br /> upon the location. <br /> Connnissioner Zimmerman asked if there was any precedence in there being a sign some <br />. number of feet before the entrance/exit to the property that indicated that there was traffic <br /> entering from the right. Mr. Solder replied signage such as this might be helpful. He <br /> stated they could look at the sight lines to see ifthis made sense. <br />
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