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PCP 08-03-2005
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PCP 08-03-2005
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<br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JULY 6, 2005 8 <br />Chair Sand asked if there was anything that would prevent the driveway access to be laid <br />out at a different location on Highway 96. Mr. Soler replied the driveway could not be . <br />too close to where the right turn lane began at Hamline. <br />Commissioner McClung noted the Hamline turn lane during rush hour did back up <br />almost to this proposed driveway entrance. <br />Commissioner McClung stated there was an issue with traffic on southbound Hamline <br />during morning rush hour. <br />Jim Hartsoe, President Townhouse Villages Homeowners Association South, 4430 Arden <br />View Court, stated the traffic on Hamline was a big problem, especially between 7-9 a.m. <br />He noted there was no light on Arden View Drive. He asked if people going north on <br />Hamline be able to turn left into the development. He did not believe the traffic <br />questions had been addressed well. He stated he had a concern about the number of <br />businesses being proposed on the property. He expressed concern with respect to <br />drainage. He stated the homeowners found it difficult getting and in out onto Hamline <br />Avenue and asked this be taken into consideration. <br />Kathy Sikano(?sp), Karth Lake Circle, expressed concern about the inability of people to <br />turn left onto Karth Lake Circle off of Hamline during rush hour. She noted there was no <br />left turn lane to allow people to turn into Karth Lake Circle. <br />Diane Phillipi, 1442 Arden View Drive, expressed concern about the lanes merging . <br />where the proposed driveway was going to be put. <br />Cindy Owen, 4490 Hamline, expressed concern about the traffic increase on Hamline. <br />She noted the traffic had grown immensely over the past years and she was concerned <br />about the safety of the residents on Hamline Avenue. <br />Gail Van Buskirk, 1390 Arden View Drive, stated she had submitted a petition with 154 <br />signatures in opposition to this development. She indicated a lot of citizens were <br />concerned about this. She stated she was concerned with the traffic study in that they <br />tried to use the current traffic and foreeast future traffic, without addressing the increase <br />of traffic with Guidant's development. She indicated the study also did not address the <br />increased traffic onto all of the streets that exited onto Hamline Avenue. She noted no <br />environmental impact statement had been done, but with the water and drainage <br />concerns, she encouraged them to require an envirornnental assessment or impact <br />statement to make sure those issues were under control. She asked them to deny this <br />planning case. <br />Susie Severson, 1345 Arden View Drive, expressed concern about the police traffic on <br />Hamline Avenue and the safety of the ehildren in the area. <br />Elwood Caldwell noted the traffic study had recommended a 50-foot radii and he <br />believed this intersection was like no other interseetion in the City and needed that radii. . <br />Terry Giel, 4534 Keithson Drive, stated making a "U" turn on Highway 96 was <br />problematic. <br />~_.------ <br />
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