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CCP 12-07-1998
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CCP 12-07-1998
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<br />DR,r ~-.> ""1" <br /> .:1 <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 9,1998 4 <br />Chapter 3, Land Use, guides the development and redevelopment ofland within the City and . <br />identifies the future location of residential, commercial, industrial, and public/institutional land <br />uses. This section of the Plan identified the need for the creation ofa new land use designation <br />described as Neighborhood Business, The areas which would be affected by this new <br />designation are intersections in various neighborhoods which previously had been designated as <br />Commercial and may become problematic for residential development. The new designation <br />will allow limited commercial development which will be compatible with adjacent residential <br />areas, The City will need to follow up and create a zoning district to detail the specific uses and <br />design standards for the new land use designation, The pink attachment to the agenda packet <br />indicates the proposed sites and their current uses. <br />Mayor Probst asked if this designation would have impacts on the County Road D/Lexington <br />Avenue area which was included in the Livable Communities Grant. Mr. Fritsinger indicated <br />that the grant application and proposed designation complement one another. Mayor Probst <br />asked ifthe other, similar location, on Lexington Avenue was included in the grant application. <br />Mr. Ringwald indicated the commercial portion of this area is located in Roseville and <br />Shoreview. <br />Ms, McMonigal noted the other change in the Land Use section is the incorporation ofthe <br />TCAAP Reuse Plan. Since the 1982 Comprehensive Plan, there has been an increase in open <br />space and a reduction of development area, The green attachment to the agenda packet explains <br />the difference in acreage from 1982 to 1998.. She noted the table in this attachment will be <br />included in the final draft of the Comprehensive Plan, e <br />Chapter 4, Housing, is primarily descriptive information and there have been no major changes, <br />Chapter 5, Parks and Trails, identifies a large system of proposed trails, A citizen survey had <br />been conducted a few years ago and the residents expressed a strong desire for an improved trail <br />system which will link the neighborhoods within Arden Hills, The chapter includes a list of <br />trails, prioritized by order of importance, to allow the City to include these priorities in the long- <br />range financial plan, Additional information is found in the appendices related to play structure <br />replacement, trail maintenance, and court resurfacing, <br />Mayor Probst referred to the Parks and Trails map, (Figure 5.1), and noted the trail south of <br />Round Lake does not appear to connect to Old Highway 10. Ms, McMonigal indicated that this <br />connection should appear on the map, <br />Mayor Probst indicated that the Parks and Trails map shows all the trail connections which cross <br />streets within the City however, it does not show any of the crossings on the Shoreview side of <br />Lexington Avenue, <br />Council member Malone noted the Shoreview trail appears as a border on the map, Mr. <br />Ringwald indicated the map should include all the connection sites along the periphery of the <br />City in order to provide this information to the citizens, <br />Ms. McMonigal referred to the Park Service Areas map, (Figure 5.2), and noted there are only . <br />two areas within the City which are located less than one-half mile from area parks. The <br />proposed trail connections will help facilitate access from these areas to existing City parks, <br />
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