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CCP 12-07-1998
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<br /> DRAFT <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 9, 1998 5 <br />. Mayor Probst referred to the replacement schedule in Appendix C and noted that there are many <br /> specific date and time references. He asked if this is a concern with the Plan only being updated <br /> every ten years. Mr, Ringwald indicated new replacement schedules and other changes can be <br /> incorporated as minor amendments to the Plan. He noted that the reason these numbers were <br /> included was Ms. Cindy Walsh had put an extensive amount of work into this area and Staff <br /> wanted to take advantage of this knowledge and document the information so it would be <br /> accessible. Additionally, the information will provide a schedule to use during Capital <br /> Improvement Project planning. Ms. McMonigal suggested the information could be referred to <br /> as a tentative schedule. <br /> Mayor Probst suggested the City should consider an annual, or bi-annual update of these time- <br /> sensitive items in the Comprehensive Plan, Mr. Ringwald concurred, <br /> Councilmember Malone expressed his concern that the information suggesting the City's <br /> sanitary sewer infrastructure had not been thoroughly reviewed for some time should not be <br /> included in the Land Use Plan. He indicated that the sewer system was built many years ago and <br /> he is concerned that the information may incorrectly imply that the City has not been paying <br /> attention to the system over the years. Mr. Fritsinger indicated that one of the areas Staff had <br /> identified to be lacking in the old Comprehensive Plan was how to accomplish the maintenance <br /> and replacement of the City's infrastructure. Including this information in the new Plan was <br /> intended to give direction on how to proceed with these projects. Councilmember Malone <br />. reiterated his concern that this information may be misinterpreted. <br /> Mayor Probst indicated he had not read this portion of the Plan from that perspective. He stated <br /> what he likes about the idea of including this information is that it provides a "road map" of how <br /> to proceed with replacement and maintenance projects, He indicated that changing some of the <br /> wording may help to prevent the misinterpretation concerns expressed by Councilmember <br /> Malone, <br /> Councilmember Larson pointed out there are some inconsistencies between the Parks and Trails <br /> map and the Park Services map, He gave examples of parks shown on the Parks and Trails map <br /> which do not appear on the Park Service Map. Ms, McMonigal indicated that the two maps <br /> should match up and she stated she will review these maps and ensure that they do. Mr. <br /> Ringwald pointed out that the Park Services map only identifies the developed City parks. <br /> Councilmember Larson suggested being more specific in the intent of the different maps. He <br /> also pointed out that some of the park boundaries are different even when they appear on both <br /> maps. Mr. Ringwald stated that the consultant will work on this issue and any inconsistencies <br /> will be corrected, <br />'-',-, Chapter 6, Protected Resources, includes three maps, Natural Resources; Biological and <br /> Cultural Resources; and Lakes. Ms, McMonigal noted the Natural Resources map primarily <br /> identifies wooded areas and the idea was to determine which areas, previously considered open <br /> space or major wooded areas, may need to be protected. <br />. Another issue within this chapter is there has been a suggestion for the development of a Lake <br /> Quality and Environment Task Force to examine the water quality ofthe area lakes. In the <br /> attempt to collect data, it was found here are many agencies doing different kinds of data <br /> collection but not coordinated through a single-source, <br />
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