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CCP 12-07-1998
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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 9,1998 DRAFT 6 <br />Mayor Probst expressed his surprise that on the Lakes and Wetlands exhibit, Sunfish Lake shows . <br />up green and not blue. Mr, Ringwald indicated that the source of this information is from the <br />National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) and he is not sure why it appears this way. This is one of <br />the reasons for the suggestion of referencing NWI as the source of the map. <br />Chapter 7, Transportation, incorporates the 1985 Parkway Study and includes a map and table <br />which indicate certain roads to be designated as parkways. With the major highways which cross <br />Arden Hills, the parkways will help to connect neighborhoods. The stars on the map indicate <br />intersections identified to be gateways, <br />Chapter 8, Public Facilities aud Services, contains information on sewer, water, storm sewer, <br />Police and Fire Departments, schools, libraries, and other City services, In the Public Works <br />Department a data base is being established to understand the age, type and wear of existing <br />systems, From this information, a long-term plan for maintenance and/or replacement of <br />facilities can be devised. Funds can be assigned within appropriate time frames to prevent failure <br />and minimize cost impacts to the City. <br />Chapter 9, Implementation, highlights the actions which need to be taken in order to <br />implement the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. An important element is the <br />discussion of tying the items from the Comprehensive Plan into the long-range Capital <br />Improvement Plan during the budget process, <br />Councilmember Larson asked why the Marsden Lake area doesn't appear on Table 6,1. Mr. . <br />Ringwald eXplained that the Marsden Lake area is technically a wetland and the Minnesota <br />Department of Natural Resources (DNR) does not classify it as a DNR protected water. <br />Councilmember Larson asked for confirmation that the source ofthe gateway designations is <br />from an old study. Mr. Ringwald indicated this is correct. Councilmember Larson stated some <br />of the identified gateway designations may not be needed, however, there are other areas in <br />which a gateway may be appropriate, <br />Mayor Probst pointed out that the gateway study predates the plan to improve the TCAAP area. <br />Mr. Ringwald stated an action item could be added to the Implementation Chapter as part of the <br />TCAAP study to review the area and determine appropriate gateway locations, <br />Mayor Probst referred to the Tax Exempt Land map (Figure 1.2) and noted that, in the updated <br />version, Round Lake is not shown correctly, The old black-and-white copy is correct with only <br />the border shaded, the new rendering has the entire lake colored in, Mr. Ringwald agreed to <br />make the correction, <br />Mayor Probst referred to the Existing Land Use Map (Figure 3.-1) and noted that the vacant areas <br />are shown in white and are hard to pick up, Mr. Ringwald suggested using a color or a shade to <br />fill in the areas, <br />Mayor Probst asked, since the document will be copied in black and white, have tests been done . <br />to determine how the various colors will show up, Mr. Ringwald explained, because the City has <br />a color printer, the maps which use the various colors will be printed in color. Copies of the <br />document will be made available for sale, Mayor Probst pointed out that the copy of Figure 7.1, <br />included in the agenda packet, was reproduced in black and white and does not read well. He <br />
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