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CCP 12-07-1998
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 9,1998 DRAFT 7 <br />. suggested this figure be reproduced in color. Mr. Ringwald indicated that color is being used for <br /> Figure 7,1 and the Council inadvertently received copies which were black and white. <br /> Mayor Probst referred to page 82, the Street Design Standards, and suggested Staff may consider <br /> adding more detailed information. Mr, Ringwald stated Staff was attempting to express the need <br /> for a policy for alternative street designs standards for particular types ofroadways without being <br /> too specific, This would provide direction for design engineers to determine when alternative <br /> design standards are needed to be used, <br /> Mayor Probst indicated that his specific concern is the curb and gutter issue. There has been <br /> much discussion over the years of how much detail to include in this area and whether to address <br /> the notion that it ties into the classification of streets, Mr, Ringwald stated Staff had considered <br /> including the current street standards in this section. It was determined however, that there is not <br /> enough direction and it may not be appropriate to have the Planning Commission discussing <br /> alternative street designs, The issue was brought up as a topical item and if the Council <br /> determines additional information is needed, it can be added. Mayor Probst indicated he does <br /> not feel the need to add more information, he primarily wanted to ensure the issue is being <br /> addressed. <br /> Mayor Probst asked for further explanation of where Staff is in regard to the process of the <br /> update and confirmation that Staff has fully reviewed the document and is comfortable with its <br />. content. Mr. Ringwald indicated that Staff is comfortable with the document. He noted Staff has <br /> had conversations with surrounding cities regarding topical items which Arden Hills would like <br /> to have covered in their Plans and vise-versa. The document will be familiar to the surrounding <br /> cities when it comes time for their review. There have also been discussions \vith the School <br /> District and Ramsey County, The Planning Commission had discussed the opportunity for <br /> additional public comments and the 60-day window will allow for these comments to be received <br /> and evaluated. <br /> Mayor Probst asked if the Parks and Recreation Commission has fully reviewed Chapter Five, <br /> Mr. Ringwald indicated they have, <br /> Mayor Probst referred to the Implementation Chapter and noted there are a series of <br /> recommendations and, in general, it suggests a plan for some of the improvements. He asked if <br /> Staff has, or will have, an impression of what the impact will be on the Capital Improvement <br /> planning and the budget. Mr. Ringwald indicated that certain items which are not a part of the <br /> Capital Improvement Plan, such as parkways, need to be considered in future planning. With <br /> regard to the budget, items will be budgeted for and, as it often happens, some items will be <br />.....,.. accomplished in the year they were planned and others will be delayed due to other priorities. <br /> Mr. Ringwald stated Staff did not go into great detail, however, they did provide specific <br /> numbers and schedules when available to ensure the items are considered. He also suggested the <br /> need to look into alternative funding sources and attempt to influence the way Ramsey County <br /> prioritizes their funding to allow some of the capital expenses to be available through other <br /> sources, not just the City's general fund. <br />. Mayor Probst suggested, at some point, Staff should provide an assessment of the improvements <br /> and indicate which will require minor and/or significant increases to the budget. <br />
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