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<br />Employees may be selected for more than one test per year. Tests shall be spread reasonably <br />throughout tl1e year. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING <br /> <br />Controlled substances testing is conducted by analyzing an employee's urine specimen. Split <br />urine smnples will be collected according to FHW A regulations. The employee will provide a <br />urine smnple at a designated collection site. The collection site person shall pour the urine <br />specimen into two (2) bottles labeled "primary" and "split", seal the specimens, complete a chain <br />or custody document and prepare tl1e bottles for shipment to the testing laboratory for analysis. <br /> <br />If tl1e employee is unable to provide the appropriate qUaJ1tity of urine, tl1e collection site person <br />shall instruct the employee to drink not more tl1an twenty-four (24) ounces of fluids and, after a <br />period of no more than two (2) hours, again attempt to provide a complete smnple. Iftl1e <br />employee is still unable to provide a complete smnple, the testing shall be discontinued aJ1d tl1e <br />Employer notified. The MRO shall refer tl1e employee for a medical evaluation to determine if <br />the employee's inability to provide a specimen is genuine or constitutes a refusal to test. For pre- <br />employment testing, the City of Arden Hills may elect to not have tl1e referral made and revoke <br />tl1e employment offer. <br /> <br />The testing laboratory reports drug test results directly to the MRO. The MOR reports tl1e results <br />to tl1e City of Arden Hills' designated contact person. If the results are negative, tl1e City of <br />Arden Hills is irrformed aJ1d no further action is necessary. If tl1e test result is confirmed positive . <br />the MRO shall give the employee aJ1 opportunity to discuss tl1e test result. The MOR must <br />review any medical records supplied by aJ1 employee to determine if a confirmed positive test is <br />the result oftl1e employee having taken legally prescribed medication, The MOR shall notify <br />each employee that tl1e employee has seventy-two (72) hours in which to request a test of the <br />split specimen at the employee's expense. The MOR will contact tl1e employee directly, on a <br />confidential basis, to determine whether the person wishes to discuss tl1e positive test result. <br /> <br />The MOR will review tl1e confirmed positive test result to determine whetl1er tl1ere is an <br />acceptable medical reason for tl1e positive result. The MRO shall verify aJ1d report a positive test <br />result to tl1e City of Arden Hills when tl1ere is no legitimate medical reason for a positive test <br />result as received from the testing laboratory. <br /> <br />If, after making reasonable efforts aJ1d documenting these efforts, tl1e MOR is unable to reach tl1e <br />employee directly, tl1e MRO must contact tl1e designated Employer contact person, who shall <br />direct tl1e employee to contact the MRO. If the City of Arden Hills' contact person is unable to <br />contact the employee, the employee will be placed on suspension, <br /> <br />The MOR may verify a test positive without having communicated directly witl1 the employee <br />about tl1e test results under tl1e following circumstances: <br /> <br />I. <br /> <br />The employee expressly declines tl1e opportunity to discuss the test results. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />8 <br />