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<br />e <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />The employee has not contacted the MRO wif11in five (5) days of being instructed <br />to do so by f11e City of Arden Hills. <br /> <br />The FWHA alcohol test rules require breath testing administered by a BAT using aJ1 EBT. Two <br />breaf11 tests are required to determine if a person has a prohibited alcohol concentration. Any <br />result less thaJ1 0.02 alcohol concentration is considered a "negative" test. If the alcohol <br />concentration is 0.02 or greater, a second confirmation test must be conducted. If aJ1 employee <br />attempts aJ1d fails to provide a adequate amount of breath, the City of Arden Hills will direct f11e <br />employee to obtain written evaluation from a licensed physieiaJ1 to determine iff11e employee's <br />inability to provide a specimen is genuine or constitutes a refusal to test. Alcohol test results are <br />reported directly to the designated City of Arden Hills contact person, <br /> <br />LICENSED TESTING LABORATORY <br /> <br />The testing laboratory shall be Healthcomp Evaluation Services Corporation (HESC), 2147 West <br />County Road D, St. Paul, MN 55112, (Phone: 888-558-8378), which is a lab certified to <br />perform controlled substaJ1ce testing according to DHHS regulations. <br /> <br />PROHIBITED DRUG AND ALCOHOL RELATED CONDUCT <br /> <br />The following alcohol aJ1d controlled substaJ1ce-related activities are prohibited by the FWHA's <br />drug aJ1d alcohol rules for drivers ofCMV's: <br /> <br />I. Reporting for duty or remaining on duty to perform safety-sensitive functions <br />while having aJ1 alcohol concentration of 0.04 or greater; <br /> <br />2. Being on duty or operating a CMV while f11e employee possesses alcohol, unless <br />the alcohol is maJ1ifested aJ1d traJ1sported as a part of a shipment. This includes <br />the possession of medicines containing alcohol (prescription or over-the-counter), <br />unless f11e packaging seal is unbroken' <br /> <br />3. Using alcohol while performing safety-sensitive functions; <br /> <br />4. Performing safety-sensitive functions wif11in four (4) hours after using alcohol' <br /> <br />5, When required to take a post-accident test, using alcohol within eight (8) hours <br />following the accident or prior to undergoing a post-accident alcohol test, <br />whichever comes first; <br /> <br />6. Refusing to submit to aJ1 alcohol or controlled substaJ1ce test required by post- <br />accident, raJ1dom, reasonable suspicion, or follow-up testing requirements; <br /> <br />9 <br />