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<br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JULY 5, 2000 <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />Ms. Chaput stated that Staffreconunends approval of Planning Case #00-29, Site Plan Review of <br />the Minnesota Department of Transportation drivers testing facility, located at 5400 County .. <br />Road I, with 2 conditions .. <br /> <br />Jim O'Brien, a representative of Williams O'Brien Architects, stated his firm represents <br />MNDOT in this case. He added he would be glad to answer the Commission's questions. <br /> <br />Acting Chair Rye closed the public hearing at 8:04 p.m. <br /> <br />Commissioner Baker stated there may be some issues with regard to access to County Road I. <br />He asked whether the site has been analyzed for future access, and how the proposed changes fit <br />into those plans. Ms. Chaput stated the applicant does not intend to increase traffic flow into the <br />facility with this expansion. She added that MNDOT is considering relocation of the facility's <br />entrance to the east near Schutta Road. She noted this would move the entrance farther away <br />from the 35W intersection to the west and the WisP ark entrance to the north. <br /> <br />Mr. O'Brien stated he understands that MNDOT owns the property to the north and east of the <br />facility, and a ring road had been discussed which would connect to County Road I east of the <br />current entrance. <br /> <br />Conunissioner Nelson asked whether the applicant plans to remove the temporary trailers located <br />on the site. Mr. O'Brien stated the trailers will be used as offices during construction and are <br />planned for removal upon completion. <br /> <br />Commissioner Duchenes asked which parts of the property in question, and adjoining properties, <br />are in R-I and 1-2 zoning districts. Acting Chair Rye asked for clarification with regard to <br />whether the zoning is part of the existing or proposed Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Chaput stated <br />the zoning districts in question are shown as different districts in the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Conunissioner Galatowitsch stated the applicant's request does not conform to the future Comp <br />Plan, with regard to zoning of adjacent property. Ms. Chaput confirmed this, adding it is unclear <br />when the property in question will be turned over to the City for development. <br /> <br />Commissioner Duchenes expressed concern that the facility would abut future residential areas. <br />She noted the facility is located some distance from property boundaries. <br /> <br />Conunissioner Galatowitsch asked whether any photos of the facility were available for the <br />Conunission's review. Mr. O'Brien stated he did not have any photos, adding the Commission <br />were presented with some elevation depictions. He added the existing building is sandy brown <br />brick with some wood panels above the windows which have deteriorated over time. He noted <br />the character of the building will not change. <br /> <br />Conunissioner Baker asked for an estimated project cost. Mr. O'Brien stated the estimate is <br />$990,000, but the project has not gone to bid. <br /> <br />Acting Chair Rye stated that MNDOT is not required to meet City Code standards, but chooses .. <br />to go through the process.. Ms. Chaput stated that MNDOT wishes to maintain a good .. <br />relationship between the two entities. <br />