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<br />1 <br /> <br />2000 Pavement Management Program <br />Ingerson Neighborhood <br />Draft Recommendations from Staff <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />The following recommendations from staff are provided for the use of the City Council in <br />detennining the direction to proceed with the 2000 PMP. The recommendations are a result of <br />discussions held at task force meetings and discussions between the Public Works Director and <br />City Engineer during the past several months. <br /> <br />Does the selection of the Ingerson Neighborhood for the 2000 PMP have merit? <br /> <br />YES <br /> <br />The neighborhood was selected due to several factors whieh independently may not be <br />significant enough to raise the neighborhood priority, but collectively push this neighborhood to <br />the top of the list for reconstruction. <br />. Pavement Condition Index: The weighted neighborhood index is approximately 56 and at <br />the lower end of the spectrum of City neighborhoods. In the past reconstruction of streets <br />has been generally done when PCI's are below 60. <br />. Drainage: The neighborhood has low, flat areas along Ingerson Road between Hamline <br />A venue and Fernwood Street and along Cannon A venue which routinely pond water for <br />several hours following rainfall events. Drainage infrastructure in the neighborhood is <br />lacking in these areas and several backyards apparently experience routine flooding. e <br />. Water Quality: The eastern neighborhood runoff empties directly into Lake Josephine <br />untreated and the western neighborhood runoff empties into a wetland/ditch system on the <br />west side of the neighborhood. The potential for improvement of the water quality of runoff <br />running directly into natural water bodies is a contributing factor in the selection of this <br />neighborhood. <br />. State Aid Funding: The city state aid construction account balance will be approximately <br />$430,000.00 in 2001. Of the five highest priority neighborhoods, only Ingerson Road and <br />Hamline Avenues are eligible for state Aid funds. The only other city street programmed for <br />reconstruction in the near future that is also eligible for state aid funding is West Round Lake <br />Road. The timing is right for use of these funds for a neighborhood project. <br />. Standards: The streets identified for reconstruction do not meet current city standards for <br />width, pavement section or curb and gutter. Although as a part of the city wide review of <br />street conditions, staff is recommending revisiting some standards. The underlying goal of <br />the city PMP is to bring some level of unifonnity of design throughout the city - currently <br />this neighborhood does not have much unifonnity. <br />. City Infrastructure Management: The City has the responsibility of insuring safe, functional <br />streets and utilities throughout the city. Since financial resources are limited, a consistent <br />program of improvements is neeessary to insure that the City is not saddled with excessive <br />costs to improve its infrastructure down the road. The complete reconstruction of a street is <br />financially viable about every 40-50 years based upon current city budgeting and mileage of <br />streets under city jurisdiction. The proposed improvements are on streets that have not been <br />reconstructed since their original construction (approximately 40 years) and have several . <br />deficiencies as noted above. <br />