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<br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - DECEMBER 6, 2000 <br /> <br />10 <br /> <br />Ms, Chaput stated that by making this use a special use in the district, an additional restriction <br />can be placed on it to ensure that dwelling units can not be the sole use on the property, as <br />proposed in Section 5 (H) #3, She reviewed proposed changes to Section 5 (H) #3, Special <br />Regulations for Special Uses in the NB District. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Ms, Chaput stated that staffrecommends approval of Planning Case #00-41, amending Section 5 <br />(E) and (H) #3 of the Zoning Ordinance #291 as presented in the "Proposed Amendments" <br />section ofthis memorandum, <br /> <br />Ms. Chaput stated that if the Planning Commission makes a recommendation on this Planning <br />Case, then it would be heard at the Monday, December 11, 2000 regular meeting of the City <br />Council. <br /> <br />Chair Erickson closed the public hearing at 8:45 p,m, <br /> <br />Chair Erickson asked whether the amendment should limit dwelling units to locations above <br />street level, which is restricting, He added that special use allows some provisions, He noted <br />that the uses could be associated or mixed with each other. Ms, Chaput agreed, adding that as <br />long as the uses are mixed in some respect, it is not necessary to regulate where they are located. <br /> <br />Commissioner Baker asked whether the amendments allow enough latitude to approve or <br />disapprove specific applications which incorporate too much or not enough residential use, Ms, <br />Chaput stated that parameters must be set for certain uses in terms of percentages, <br />Commissioner Baker stated that sites are too varied for such specific parameters. Ms, Chaput <br />agreed, <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Commissioner Sand asked for clarification with regard to the definitions of multiple family and <br />mixed residential. Ms, Chaput stated that mixed residential refers to single or two-family <br />residences in R-3 and R-4 districts, <br /> <br />Ms. Chaput stated that mixed residential use is only allowed in specific districts through the PUD <br />process, She added that it does not specifically refer to multi-family use, <br /> <br />Commissioner Sand asked whether mixed residential use might be considered a special use <br />within the New Business District. Ms, Chaput stated that it would not be considered a single <br />family home in the NB District as it would not be a free-standing dwelling. <br /> <br />Commissioner Baker asked whether this might include townhomes. Chair Erickson stated it <br />would be unlikely that a commercial business would have townhomes attached to it. <br />Commissioner Baker stated that there might be different components, adding it would give the <br />Commission some flexibility regarding these sites. <br /> <br />Commissioner Nelson asked whether mixed residential use could be more than just single family <br />use but something other than multiple family use, Commissioner Sand stated that multiple <br />dwelling and multiple family are two different things, Ms, Chaput stated the Commission conld <br />consider allowing one business with one dwelling unit attached to it. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Commissioner Baker stated that multiple family use can include ownership of three or more <br />dwelling units, He added that would provide sufficient flexibility, Ms, Chaput stated that <br />