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<br />. <br />. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />e <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />-- <br /> <br />. <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />Meadow and PEMCd Type 2/3 Wet Meadow respectively. There is also a narrow PEMC <br />Type 3 Shallow Marsh along the southeastern pati of the freeway and a PEMC Type 3 <br />Shallow Marsh south east of the Gateway Boulevard cul-de-sac. <br /> <br />These wetlands subdivide the site into smaller areas that cannot be developed to meet <br />market needs and development stnndards without filling portions of the wetlands. <br /> <br />HI. PUD Devc!oplIlellt Coneepts <br /> <br />The development teatn has prepared two different site development alternatives for <br />review. The PUD Concepl Plan that evolves lhrough this approval process wilJ need to <br />contain both flexibility to adapt to different development scenarios and performance <br />standards to ensure that the community objectives for quality and image are met. <br /> <br />COllceot A <br /> <br />SikLayoJ!! <br /> <br />Concept A is the preferred and more intense alternatiw, It includes two mid-rise oflice <br />buildings connected by a common entrance atrium, elevator lobby and service core. The <br />oflice buildings are both five stories high and the entrance atrium is two stories high. <br />One level of tempered parking is provided under the oflice buildings. <br /> <br />The office floor area tolals are 192,500 square feet (GF A) and 257,500 square feet (GF A) <br />for the western and eastern buildings respectively. The total oflice development proposed <br />for Concept A is 450,000 square feet (GFA). <br /> <br />The southwest facing facade of this linked structure is located closer to the freeway to <br />ertl1iUlce visibility and to establish a strong architectural presence and image. The ends of <br />the buildings are angled away trom the fi.eeways to minimize intrusion into the existing <br />wethmds in the western and so\nheastcm parts of \he site and to avoid conflicts with the <br />existing power transmission lines. The view and image from the freeway wilJ be of two <br />large connected five story office buildings. <br /> <br />The buildings' northern facades face two large parking decks across a landscaped parking <br />area. These two level parking decks front on Gateway Boulevard and are separated by <br />the landscaped main entrance into the office complex. The view from Gateway <br />Boulevard will include the two large single level parking decks, the upper levels of both <br />office wings and a focused view of the office atrium. The parking decks will be <br />separated from the road by a significant landscaped buffer area. <br /> <br />Site Circulation and Parking <br /> <br />Vehicular access to the offiee development is provided by three drive connections to <br />Gateway Boulevard. The internal layout ofthe parking and drives provides for alternate <br />circulation routes within the site. <br /> <br />Page 3 <br />