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<br />. <br /> <br />Memorandum, City Hall- Costs <br />Page Three <br />March 22, 2001 <br /> <br />Partition Wall/Door <br />On the main floor, the work area between the City Administrator's office and the Administrative <br />Secretary's office was for access to the Administrator's office through the workspace of the <br />Administrative Secretary. Staff felt that this was not conducive to the type of work and work <br />space privacy for both the Administrator and Secretary. In order to fully separate these rooms, <br />and have access to the City Administrator from the main office lobby, a partition wall and door, <br />an air volume controller, and minor changes to heating and ventilating would need to be installed <br />in the office of the Administrative Secretary. The cost to accommodate this change is estimated <br />to be $5,022.00. <br /> <br />Staff would recommend that the City Council approve those changes as described. <br /> <br />Armv National Guard Space <br />As previously mentioned, the Army National Guard has approached the City about changes to <br />the space to be provided by the City. Previously, they had asked for space on the lower level, per <br />our agreement, up to 320 square foot of office space. At subsequent meetings, they've indicated <br />that the lower level space could be reduced sufficiently for the "trainers" on the weekends and <br />after hours for them and their equipment. The other space required would bc office space for <br />Dave Hammemick who would have a public presence during normal business hours at City Hall. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The Guard inquired about space on the second level, and I indicated that I would like to reserve <br />that space for future City Hall expansion, and we would like to only maintain the conference <br />room at this time. <br /> <br />We then discussed the main level office space, given the fact that we have one (1) extra office at <br />this time, originally planned for a map and drafting room. The Guard indicated that this would <br />be acceptable to them. <br /> <br />In conversations with staff, the question has come up that, given the fact that the Guard is a <br />short-term user of the facility and not paying us any rent or lease monies, to what extent should <br />the City go to provide large or multiple office spaces for the Guard? The reason given by the <br />Guard for desiring office space (not in the lower level) is due to the fact that it will function as a <br />business office for Dave Hammemick, and he will be meeting with contacts during the day, and <br />would like a more typical officc setup. They feel that, by being on the lower level, they're <br />relegated to the "back room" space, which doesn't have windows, and isn't typical of the City <br />offices. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Staff s perspective is that they are not like City offices and they're not going to occupy space at <br />City Hall on a long-term basis, and we don't want to make so many changes to the facility that it <br />renders the space unusable by the City in the future, or that will cost us more to retrofit at that <br />time, for City purposes. There would also be staff services that would, by default, be used by the <br />Guard if they were on the main level (i.e., Receptionist). <br />