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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Memorandum, City Hall - Costs <br />Page Four <br />March 22, 2001 <br /> <br />Staff recommends that the City Council maintain all Army National Guard space on the lower <br />level, and outfit an office of up to 300 square feet on that level. This would be the equivalent of <br />two City offices on the main level at 150 square feet each. We would propose to finish the walls, <br />paint, carpet and suspended ceiling in this 300 square foot area. In this fashion, we can further <br />subdivide the 300 square feet into two (2), 150 square foot offices, should future needs indicate. <br />We therefore maintain all Guard functions in one location, and they have access to only a portion <br />of the building, instead of two areas. We also continue to maintain a separation of City space <br />and fWlction from National Guard space and fllilction, and we have the flexibility on the main <br />level to utilize the open office area for map and plan review, as well as seasonal or part-time <br />employees and/or interns. This would also provide space for any consultants needing temporary <br />on-site office space during a specific project (i.e., attorney, engineer, planning consultant, etc.). <br /> <br />Generator <br />Previously, the City COllilcil was approached about the need for a generator, since the City Hall <br />is identified in the City's Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) as the operations center in case of <br />emergency. A generator had not been originally planned. At one point, we considered a <br />permanently affixed generator, and its necessary hookups and scrcening that would be required. <br />This quickly became prohibitive at an cstimated cost of $70 - 80,000.00. <br /> <br />At this time, staff recommends that the City COllilcil make the appropriate changes to the wiring <br />to accommodate installation of a manual transfer switch, to allow for a mobile generator to be <br />hooked up on-site in the event of disaster, to allow the City Hall to function as the Emergency <br />Opcrations Center. The necessary wiring and installation change costs are estimated to be <br />$14,000.00. Staff would further recommend that it establish a goal for 2002 that a budgetary <br />priority would be the acquisition of a third mobile generator for the City. This would allow <br />flexibility in use by the maintenance department, and for emergency disastcr preparedness. The <br />cost estimate for a mobile generator are estimated at $30 - 40,000.00, and this cost could be <br />covered with part of the 2000 budget surplus, or could be budgeted for 2002 and obtained <br />then. <br /> <br />cc: Terry Post, City Accountant <br />Dave Scherbel, Building Official <br />