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<br />Jun-25-2001 13:17 <br /> <br />From-PETERSON FRAM BERGMAN <br /> <br />6512281753 <br /> <br />T-21i P.002/004 F-271 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br /> <br />DISTRICT COURT <br />SECOND JUDICAL DISTRICT <br /> <br />Court Fife No.: C6-91-12953 <br /> <br />Oty of Arden Hills, <br /> <br />Plalntlff, <br /> <br />Vs. <br /> <br />~PUlAT!DN ~~LEl\I!eNT <br />ACiIU;e~ENT <br /> <br />George J. Reiling and <br />Mary Reiling, <br /> <br />Defendants. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />ThIs Stlpulated Settlement Agreement is made and entered Int:o bV and <br />between the City of Arden Hills C'City") and George J. Relllng and Mary Reiling <br />C'Reillng'? <br /> <br />RECITALS <br /> <br />WHEREAS, this case Involves a condemnation of certain permanent and <br /> <br />temporary easements by the City over, under, and ac:ross real property owned by <br /> <br />Reiling ("Reiling Property"). <br />WHEREAS, the Oty has paid Rellfng the sum of $16,680.00 whiCh was <br />the CIty's orIginal appraised value for the permanent and temporary easements, <br />WHEREAS, the permanent easement encompaS5e$ the major storm <br />water ponding area on the Reiling property ("Reiling Pond". <br />WHEREAS, there Is another wetland like area on the Reiling Property <br />("Farmers Pond") located easterly of Reiling Pond. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />1 <br />