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<br />Gateway Business Center - Arden Hills. MN <br /> <br />EAW <br /> <br />September 2001 <br /> <br />If the project is within lhe Twin Cities metropolitan area, discuss its impact on the regional _ <br />transportation system: .. <br /> <br />Impacts to the regional transportation system (I-35W and Highway 10) will be <br />negligible in the year after buildout (2003), as indicated by the satisfactory level of <br />service along County Road 96. <br /> <br />22. Vehicle-Related Air Emissions. Estimate the effect of the project's traffic generation on air <br />quality, including carbon monoxide levels. Discuss the effect of traffic improvements or other <br />mitigation measures on air quality impacts. Note: If the project involves 500 or more parking <br />spaces, consult EAW Guidelines aboul whether a detailed air quality analysis is needed. <br /> <br />Project Impact <br />Carbon monoxide (CO) levels are elevated near roadway intersections due to the <br />emission of this pollutant from the vehicles idling and passing by, The State of Minnesota <br />has ambient CO standards that are designed to protect human health and the environment. <br />The Standards are: <br /> <br />. I-hour average: 30 parts per million (ppm); and <br />. 8-hour average: 9 ppm, <br /> <br />Concentrations near or above these levels are most likely to occur near intersections that <br />are severely congested (Levels of Service (LOS) E or F). The primary intersection <br />serving this proposed development is the intersection of CSAH 96 and Round Lake Road, . <br />An analysis of this intersection, as summarized in Section21, demonstrated that the <br />intersection will be operating at LOS B during the peak traffic hour under the more <br />intensive development range, Therefore, no air quality problems are anticipated with an <br />office development between 225,000 and 495,000 square feet GFA at this site. <br />495,000 <br />The MPCA does not typically require an air quality modeling analysis (for EA Ws or <br />ISPs) for intersections with a Level of Serviee of C or better one year after project <br />development. Air quality problems related to earbon monoxide emissions typically only <br />develop near intersections with congestion problems, Level of Service at the affeeted <br />intersections surrounding this development will be B or better after project development. <br />No congestion problems are anticipated, <br /> <br />Indirect Source Permit <br />The majority of Minnesota Rules Chapter 7023, which required certain projects that <br />increased traffic on local roadways to obtain an Indirect Source Permit (ISP) from the <br />Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) prior to the commencement of <br />construction, was repealed as of July 1,2001. The permit would have only been granted <br />if post-development compliance with State air quality and noise standards had been <br />demonstrated, and if funding was assured for any roadway improvements necessary to <br />achieve compliance. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Page 24 <br />