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<br />/tPl'hlDf)< tE-L <br /> <br />Phase lEA - Morris Communications Sile <br />NE Quadrant of 694 & 35W. Arden Hills, MN <br /> <br />January 4,200] <br />, D,ure2 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Geotechnieal soil borings were eompleted at the Site in the fall of 2000, In one <br />boring 12 feet of fill eomprised of sand and einders was identified. The souree of <br />the einders in the fill is unknown and represents a potential souree of <br />contamination. <br /> <br />Two groundwater monitoring wells are present' on the northwest portion of the <br />Site, These wells are part of a large groundwater monitoring network associated <br />with the' former Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant' (TCAAP), located <br />approximately 0,75 mile to the northeast of the Site,' The two on-Site wells were <br />completed in two separate aquifers, Review of analytical data on water samples <br />eollected from these wells indieates that ,groundwater on the western edge of the <br />Site was impaeted in the past with volatile organic compounds (VOCs), <br />representing a historieal reeognized environmental condition, However, <br />eontamination has not been deteeted in these wells for several years, A <br />groundwater pump and treat system continues to operation at the TCAAP faeility <br />to remediate contaminated groundwater and eontain the contamination plumes <br />that extend beyond the borders of the TCAAP faeility, <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />During the Site visit, debris and other items present on the ground surface of the <br />Site included disearded metal piping and other metal equipment, brush, furniture, <br />wood pallets, a small abandoned camping trailer, a wooden feed dispenser, plastie <br />water and feed eontainers and discarded canvas signs, A small quantity of <br />insulated wallboard with a tarpaper layer was observed on the ground in the <br />northwest comer of the Site, The tarpaper layer may contain asbestos, <br /> <br />Based on review of the regulatory database information, several facilities in the <br />Site area have been the source of soil and/or groundwater contamination, Based <br />on their distanee and/or loeation with respect to assumed groundwater flow <br />direction, impacts at the Site from these doeumented releases, if any, are not <br />expeeted to exeeed regulated levels. <br /> <br />Review of a 1989 Phase I EA for the rendering plant property reported an old <br />dump on the western portion of the Site, However, current information from the <br />MPCA identifies this dump to be loeated approximately 0,75 mile <br />north/northwest of the Site on the opposite side of the freeway, Aerial <br />photographs dating baek to 1937 show no evidence of dumping activities on the <br />Site, The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) was contaeted in an <br />attempt to verifY the location of the dump, Since this information was not <br />available at the time this report was issued, an addendum letter will be prepared <br />by JLM after receipt of the MnDOT response, <br /> <br />e <br />