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<br />ItfIH)lJPJ}t E-,/ <br /> <br />Phase lEA ~ Morris COmmunicationS Site <br />NE Quadrant of 694 & 35W, Arden HiUs, MN <br /> <br />January 4, 200 l <br />mtue4 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Based on the eonclusions of this Phase I EA. JLM Environmental, Inc. <br />recommends the following, <br /> <br />. If it is neeessary to verif'y whether or not historieal uses of the ATS Steel <br />property have impaeted subsurface eonditions at the Site, a subsurface <br />investigation would be required, <br /> <br />. If it is neeessary to verif'y whether or not the fill material with einders has <br />elevated coneentrations of metals or other possible eontaminants, chemical <br />analysis of the fill would be required, <br /> <br />. Site development plans should take into account the presenee of the two <br />groundwater monitoring wells that may be required to remain in-plaee for <br />several years. <br /> <br />. The insulated wallboard should be tested to determine if the tarpaper layer <br />eontains asbestos, If asbestos-eontaining this material should be properly <br />disposed of at facility lieensed to aecept asbestos waste. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />e <br />