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<br />e <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />City of Arden Hills Personnel Policy <br /> <br />Effective June 29, 2002 <br /> <br />EMPLOYMENT GUIDELINES <br /> <br />Job Posting <br />The City of j\rden Hills will post all job openings internally, and may also be publicized in a <br />local newspaper or through other news media deemed necessary, in order to encourage <br />qualified persons to apply. Qualified applicants will be interviewed by the City Administrator, <br />appropriate Supervisor, the respective Council Committee, and appointed by the City <br />CounciL <br /> <br />Such notice shall include the job titles, duties, and the date the position is intended to be <br />filled. <br /> <br />Transfers <br />The City Council in their discretion may transfer employees from one department to another <br />or transfer work between departments of the City or to independent contractors. Employees <br />transfened at the City's option will not be required to work at a lower rate of pay than that <br />which they were earning prior to the time of transfer. Nothing herein prevents an employee <br />from accepting a transfer to a position with a lower rate of pay. <br /> <br />Staff Guidelines <br />Since all employees share the responsibility for keeping their department operating in an <br />orderly, safe and efficient manner, they are entitled to know the types of conduct, which will <br />contribute to fulfilling their department's functions. At a minimum all employees are required <br />to: <br /> <br />BE ON TIME Supervisors depend on each employee for help in maintaining important <br />work schedules. Being at the job location and ready to begin work at the specified time will <br />get things off to the right start. <br /> <br />BE REGULAR Excessive absenteeism or tardiness jeopardizes an employee's job and <br />creates problems for supervisors and fellow workers. An employee is required to furnish <br />satisfactory evidence that their absence is justified if their supervisor requests it. <br /> <br />GIVE ADVANCE NOTICE WHEN USING UNSCHEDULED PERSONAL TIME <br />OFF An employee must notify their supervisor as early as possible if using unscheduled <br />Personal Time Off. Except in unusual cases, hel she should talk directly with their supervisor <br />to be sure that their supervisor receives the message. <br /> <br />HELP KEEP THE WORK AREA AND EQUIPMENT IN GOOD ORDER It is <br />necessary to maintain sanitary and healthful conditions throughout the buildings and offices. <br />Good housekeeping promotes good workmanship and safety. Equipment must be kept in <br />order, the floor free of litter and the general rules of housekeeping observed. Be neat in your <br />personal appearance. <br /> <br />11 <br />