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<br />I <br />I. <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />Ie <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />. <br />I <br />.- <br />I <br /> <br />FINANCIALLY RESPONSffiLE PARTY/PARTIES <br /> <br />The Guidant Corporation is the responsible party for funding implementation of mitigation <br />measures necessary to comply with the applicable City, watershed and MPCA requirements. <br /> <br />3.4 WATER QUALITY; SURFACE WATER RUNOFF <br /> <br />3.4.1 Summary of Impacts <br /> <br />The proposed development will decrease the amount of existing impervious surface area within <br />the AUAR study area, thus decreasing the overall surface water runoff volumes. However, <br />unlike existing surface water runoff which discharges directly into adjacent wetlands, surface <br />water runoff generated from the proposed development will need to be treated in accordance with <br />City and Watershed District requirements. <br /> <br />3.4.2 Mitigation Measures <br /> <br />Guidant continues to coordinate with the Rice Creek Watershed District to develop mitigation <br />measures for treating storm water runoff associated with the proposed development. These <br />measures include several surface water treatment strategies for each identified drainage area <br />undergoing site plan changes. Thc strategics proposcd arc based on the best available <br />information, but will require further study and discussion with the watershed district prior to finaj <br />design. During the design phase of this project, soil and groundwater data will be required to <br />ensure that appropriate trcatment areas and Best Management Practicc (BMP) dcsigns are <br />selectcd. <br /> <br />To the extent possible, storm water runoff from new impcrvious arcas will be directed into <br />infiltration basins and wet ponds prior to leaving the site. Infiltration basins provide mitigation <br />for the increase in runoff volume by infiltrating storm water and provide water quality treatment <br />by filtering particulate mattcr from the nmofr Wet ponds provide water quality treatment by <br />settling out sediment and attached nutrients and by skimming floating debris and provide rate <br />control for the water leaving the site. Design of the treatment devices will be in accordance with <br />the City and Watershed District water quality !,'llidelines. Design of the outlets for the treatment <br />devices wij] be in accordance with the Watershed District rate control guidelines. <br /> <br />3.4.3 Implementation Information <br /> <br />AGENCY RESPONSIBLE FOR REVIEW OF IMPACTS/MITIGATION PLANS <br /> <br />City of Ardcn Hills <br />Rice Creek Watershed District <br />. Minncsota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) <br /> <br />Guidant Campus Master Plan <br />Final .f',.'1itigation Plan <br /> <br />- 6- <br /> <br />January 2003 <br />