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<br />.1-35W Corridor Coalition <br /> <br /></ ..' A pl~lll1il'lllll.lld IJellelopmem colklixlraliCln btnong lilt! 35WCO/1tdoJ' CItie.$. <br /> <br />:,; <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br />Coalition Vision Statement <br /> <br />The N,M, 1-35W Corridor Coalition adopts the statements <br />following as representing its position with respect to: <br />Vision <br />Core Vglwes <br />Intentions <br />Commitments <br />Next Steps <br />On-Goino Criteria <br /> <br />To act together in new ways: providing leadership for better outcomes for <br />people and the development of innovative options for effective municipal <br />government. <br /> <br />Return to the <br />Home Page <br /> <br />We agree to support these values and standards. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />As aC;()alition our intentions are to: <br />Hold shared regional goals, outcomes and principles <br />Be committed to exploring new ideas/concepts -to think differently <br />Achieve more/better results togelher than we could alone <br />Act from a win/win position - no individual municipal loss or disproportionnate <br />costs <br />when members make decisions that fulfil our values <br />Maintain individual municipal autonomy <br />Ensure improved transportation and other mutual benefits <br />Save money for member citizens <br />Not create another level of governmenUbureaucracy <br /> <br />Backto top of Pace <br /> <br />As Individual mernbgrs9ur commitment is to: <br />Open communication about development opportunities <br />Explore commonalities ralher than differences <br />Think beyond municipal boundaries <br />Innovalive opportunities <br />Make decisions in the context of mutual and long-term benefits (one does not <br />benefil at the <br />expense of the others) <br />Seek and support solutions gained through leadership and cooperation and not <br />Ihrough regulation/coercion or force <br />Identify and act strategically in areas where minor changes allow $ to be used on <br />a new <br />focus (leverage points) <br /> <br />. <br />