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<br />/') <br />\j <br /> <br />, . . <br />, e. <br />. f. <br /> g. <br /> h. <br /> 1. <br /> J. <br /> k. <br /> I. <br /> m. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Two separate 2-hour fire walls are required at zero lot line, complying with IBC <br />503.2 <br />All unitslbuildings to be sprinklered per State Building Code 1306. <br />Sidewalks should be connected throughout the development and also to the City <br />and County trails. <br />The City trail at the west side of the property should remain (okay to straighten <br />and shift slightly west). <br />Development signage could be done in a similar style to the AH park and gateway <br />SIgnS. <br />Eliminate impervious surfaces to address landscape lot area deficiency. <br />Revised landscaping plans as per recommendation under 4A. <br />A small sign (similar to the park signs) could be added at the entrance to the City <br />trail to help with identification. <br />The County concurs with the methodology used for trip generation and trip <br />distribution as discussed in the traffic study prepared by Traffic Data Inc. The <br />development of Office Condominiums on the site is expected to generate 868 trips <br />per day. <br />n. Access to the site from the right i!l!right out driveway on Highway 96 will operate <br />adequately. The County agrees with the study recommendation to sign and mark <br />the right turn lane from westbound Highway 96 into the site. The developer will <br />be required to add appropriate signs and markings to designate a right turn lane. <br />o. The proposed access on Hamline Avenue will be located at the existing access to <br />the daycare with the daycare driveway connected into this new entrance road. <br />Left turns exiting onto Hamline Avenue in the p.m. peak hour will be <br />problematic. Northbound Hainline Avenue traffic frequently backs up past this <br />entrance. This will result in delay for vehicles exiting the site onto Hamline <br />Avenue. It is expected that if the delay here is too great, more vehicles will use <br />the access on Highway 96. This may result in U-turns on Highway 96 and <br />Hamline Avenue for drivers wishing to go west. This should not be a problem on <br />a protected left turn phase. <br />p. The County concurs with the other recommendations in thc traffic study involving <br />radius points on the Hainline Avenue access and stop signs at the daycare <br />driveway. <br />q. The developer will be required to obtain a permit from Ramsey County for work <br />within the right of way. This includes access points and utility connections. <br />r. Please show a berm between the pond and the eastern propcrty line with a 10 foot <br />wide top and elevation of at least 963.5. This is to maintain 2 feet clearance <br />between the floor elevation of the daycare and highwater level of the pond to <br />avoid potential flooding of the daycare. <br />s. Please revise control outlet structure to pond to include an overflow grate instead <br />of relying on the overland overflow which will flood the trail and cause erosion <br />problems. <br />t. Curb - show outfall gutter locations. We would prefer B6l8 except in outfall <br />gutter locations, where B612 is acceptable. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />\\Earth\Planning\Planning Cases\2005\05-12 Arden Hills Office Park - Ro:ral Oaks Realty - PUD, Preliminary Plat for Old City Hal! & PW Site <br />(PENDING)\06-0l-04 PC Report Royal Oaks 05-12.doc <br /> <br />Page 13 of18 <br />