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<br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />2006 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM <br /> <br />properties throughout the neighborhood. Bituminous curb along both sides of Ridgewood Court <br />generally directs water along this street however some residents have indicated that runoff enters <br />their property at driveway openings. The south end of Ridgewood Court is a cul-de-sac, which <br />drains overland onto private property. This overland drainage has created erosion problems over <br />the years and complaints from residents. There is no storm sewer on Ridgewood Court. <br /> <br />A few catch basins exist within the neighborhood that collect storm sewer at low points along the <br />roadway. The catch basins off of Siems Court discharge directly into Lake Johanna without <br />water quality treatment and catch basins along Ridgewood Road and Arden Place discharge <br />directly into the wetland. Along other sections of roadway, runoff tlows directly onto private <br />property and to Lake Johanna. <br /> <br />A privately constructed area drain exists nOlih of Arden Place that collects backyard IUnoff and <br />recei vcs the runoff from the south end of Ridgewood Comi as mentioned above. This area drain <br />runs under Arden Place and discharges directly into Lake Johanna. A private area drain has also <br />been constructed in the backyard of3581 Ridgewood Road and discharges onto Ridgewood <br />Road. <br /> <br />From the public meetings held to date, some residents have voiced concern over street rnnoff <br />flowing onto their property in various locations throughout the neighborhood. Presumably, <br />runoff from small rainfall events naturally infiltratcs into the yards. However, larger events <br />cxceed the ability of area soils to infiltratc may cause undesirable water ponding in yards. <br /> <br />SANtTARY SEWER <br />The sanitary sewer system is vitrified clay pipe (VCP) and was constructed in 1960. In the <br />spring of 2005, the Operation and Maintenance crew televised the sanitary sewer system in the <br />neighborhood. The televised sewer indicated no major damage to the sanitary sewer system but <br />did reveal some cracked pipe, minor offset joints and root intrusion. These are relatively minor <br />issues that can be addressed with regular pipe cleaning and ultimately pipe lining The pipe <br />lining can be accomplished without disruption to the ground surface and therefore does not need <br />to occur in conjunction with the project. The pipe relining will be considered with other pending <br />sanitary sewer work in the City's Capital Improvements Plan and accomplished when funds are <br />available. Minimal groundwater infiltration was observed into the sewer system at the time of <br />televising. <br /> <br />There are two sanitary pressure forcemains within the Ridgewood Neighborhood that consist of <br />6" cast iron pipe. One forcemain discharges from Lift Station #3 to gravity sewer along <br />Ridgewood Road. The other forcemain discharges from Lift Station #4 to gravity sewer at the <br />top of the hill on Arden Place. Lift Station #3 was reconstructed in 1999 and Lift Station #4 is in <br />the process of being reconstructed in 2005. Due to the soils in this neighborhood and the age and <br />material of the sanitary forcemain, there is concern that the forcemain may be near the useful end <br />of their Ii fe and in need of replacement. <br /> <br />WATERMAI'i <br />The watermain along the north segment of Siems Court, Arden Place and Skiles Lane is 8" cast <br />iron pipe (CIP). The south segment of Siems Court and Ridgewood Road watermain is 6" CIP. <br /> <br />CRS <br /> <br />4 <br />