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<br />and a 378 square foot addition to the rear ofthe structure. The minimum side yard sethack is <br />five fcct with a total of fifteen feet between the two side yard setbacks. Since the northern <br />side yard setback is as little as 4.5 feet and the southern side yard setback is bctween 9.5 and . <br />10 fect, the addition would slightly encroach upon the southern side yard setback by <br />approximately one half foot. Although the encroachment is slight, a variance is required to <br />proceed. The proposed addition would be in line with thc existing structure; however, it <br />would slightly increase the non-conformity of the structure by increasing the amount of <br />structure within the sidc yard setback. The second addition at thc rear of the structure meets <br />all rcquired setbacks and does not need a variance. Upon completion, the total footprint of <br />thc dwelling would increase to approximately 2,288 square feet. <br /> <br />The applicant is also proposing to expand the existing 449 square foot accessory structure by <br />282 square feet to a total of 731 square feet. The accessory structure is currently non- <br />conforming due to the encroachments on the front and side yard setbacks and because it is in <br />the Iront yard, which is not allowed. All but the last 3.2 feet of the proposed addition would <br />be in the front yard setback. While thc addition will not be any closer to the lot Jines than tile <br />existing structure, the addition will be as close to thc lot line as the existing structure at just <br />2.3 fcct from the side yard lot line. The minimum side yard accessory structure setback is 10 <br />feet. Finally, with the addition, the height of the accessory structure would increase from <br />roughly twelve fcet to approximately 21 fcet 9 inches at the peak. <br /> <br />2. Site Data <br /> <br />Future Laud lise Plan: Low Density Residential <br />Existing Land Use: Single Family Residential <br />Zoning: R-2: Single and Two Family Residential <br />Size: .28 (12,197 square feet) <br /> The driveway and garage sit a few feet above the dwelling; however, the property <br />Topography: is flat up to approximately 40 feet before the water where it slopes steeply toward <br /> the lake. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Surrounding Area <br /> <br />Direction <br /> <br />Fntnre Land Use Plan <br /> <br /> <br />Single Family Detached <br />Residential <br />Single Family Detached <br />Residential <br /> <br />Lake Johanna <br /> <br />Single Famity Detached <br />Residential <br /> <br />North <br /> <br />Low Density Residential <br /> <br />R-l: Single Family Residential <br /> <br />South <br /> <br />Low Density Residential <br /> <br />R-l: Single Family Residentiat <br /> <br />East <br /> <br />V./ater <br /> <br />West <br /> <br />Low Density Residential <br /> <br />R-I: Single Family Residentiat <br /> <br />Plan Evaluation (Statutes & Findin!!s of Fact) <br /> <br />1. Zoning Ordinance - District Requirements Chart - Section 5.F <br /> <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meetingfor March 1, 2006 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />l,iMetro-inet_us',ardenhills\PlanningIPlanning Ca.~esl,2006i06-006 Westlund variance (PENDfNG)\021506 PC Report - Westlund Variance.doc <br /> <br />Page 2 of 8 <br />