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<br />Ridgewood Court Pavcmcnt Program - Issucs <br /> <br />Pagc 2 oD <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />I The final time that the engineer and URS mct with us they told us that tlley <br />would not be able to make any improvements regarding the steepncss of our <br />driveway. In fact the proposal that they showcd us will make our situation worse. <br /> <br />Thcy have not incorporated altematives that would improve our situation. <br />Our current drivcway is dangcrous due to blind entrance to the shared driveway. We have no <br />visihility to the oncoming cars in the joint driveway. Our neighbors frequently park right next to our lot <br />and block the view of the driveway. <br /> <br />I It is even more dangerous due to blind entrance to Siems Court. Cars on Siems <br />Court cannot see us exiting and we have no visibility to thc oncoming cars on Siems <br />Court. There are trees and bushes and cars parked on our side of the street that block <br />visibility. This is cspecially an issue in thc winter when we need to start inside our <br />garage and gun it to get out of the driveway. <br /> <br />2 We asked them to look at moving the road east to decrease the slope and <br />increase the amount of space to stop between the sloped driveway and the road. Their <br />reasoning is that it would requirc trees on the lot across the street would be affected <br />and the neighbors don't want that (although they have no problem taking out all thc <br />trees on our sidc of the street!). They also said that it would require moving the road <br />bed and that would increase costs. <br /> <br />Thcy refused to consider lowering the road. It would make the neighbors driveway too steep. The <br />measurements that they us cd for thcir drivcway only looked at the first 6 feet and not the overall grade <br />ofthc cntirc driveway. Why is it OK to make our already unacceptable situation worsc and <br />, unacceptable to affect othcrs in thc ncighborhood? <br /> <br />I Thc road is being tilted toward our house. While this has a good effcct on lowering our side <br />of the road a couple of inches, it sends all thc water toward our house. This along with the <br />proposal to have a 5 foot apron that will slant up 2 degrees instead of thc originally proposed 7 <br />degrees will potentially cause water problems for our property. <br /> <br />2 The proposal replaces all but 4 fcct of my driveway with new surface. <br /> <br />I would like the city to incorporate some additional changes: <br /> <br />I would likc a sign on the road to the nOlth and south of my drivcway that notifics drivers on Siems <br />court that 1 cannot see when 1 leave my driveway. Blind Driveway). <br /> <br />1 1 would like my entire driveway paved instead of leaving the remaining 4 feet with old pavement. <br />2 Reduce thc width of the driveway apron Irom 5 feet to 2 fcet. <br />3 Since my driveway will be steeper than it is currently, I would like my driveway heated to <br />eliminate the ice issues in the winter and make it possible to get out of my driveway without starting <br />inside my garage. . <br /> <br />4 Establish a no parking zone on the west side of Siems Court for 150 fcct north of my driveway <br />including painting the curb yellow. <br /> <br />till. It is often used as access to propelties further down Siems Court. Because the driveway goes all <br />the way through (has 2 entranccs onto Sicms Court), there are often cars that are not associated with <br />either the property owners that utilize the driveway. This is especially an issuc whcn cars on Siems <br />court are parked on both sides of the strect so that cars cannot pass. They then use the driveway to get <br /> <br />9/7/2006 <br />