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<br />Wetlands & Storm water Management <br /> <br />The City has a preliminary agreement with the applicant to incorporate the wetland and a <br />proposcd storrnwater treatment pond into the stonnwater management system for the Ridgewood <br />ncighborhood pavement management program. The wetlands and treatment pond would be <br />included in an easement that would be dedicatcd to and maintained by the City. Much of Lot 2 <br />and a portion of Lot 3 would not be buildable due to thc cascments placed on the property; <br />however, there would be sufficient room at the northern parts of cach lot to accommodate a <br />single family homc and garage. Plan Cl in the attachments to the Planning Commission report <br />show the proposed easement lines. Plan G 1 shows the proposed building pads. <br /> <br />To create the building pads shown in Plan Gl, approximately 834 square feet of the <br />n0l1hernmost segment of the wetland and two small segments at the northeastern part of the <br />wetland are proposed to be fillcd. To mitigate the wetland loss, thc City will expand the wetland <br />along the southem edge to compensate for the loss ofwetJand on the northern side. For every <br />one square foot of wetland removed, thcre will be at least two square feet replaced. <br />Additionally, approximately five thousand cubic yards of excess fill from the road reconstruction <br />project will bc used for fill in the wetland and to provide a more stable base outside that is well <br />above a potcntial flood area in the buildable area for thc future homes on Lots 1 and 2. <br /> <br />The preliminary agrccment with the property owner for the easements and storrnwater <br />management docs not obligate the City to approve the preliminary plat proposal if the proposal is <br />unable to meet the requirements of the Subdivision Code. <br /> <br />The Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) is the responsible governmental unit for reviewing <br />wetland filling and grading. The applicant, with assistance from the City, has submitted the <br />required documents to the RCWD. Due to the timing ofthe RCWD review process, the decision <br />on the permit was not available in time for the rclease of this packet. The applicant will necd to <br />submit a copy of an approvcd pemlit from the RCWD before the Final Plat is approved. Since <br />the wetland filling is, in part, related to a City project that involves treating stormwater before it <br />entcrs Lake Johanna, it is quite likcly that the application to thc RCWD will be approved. While <br />wetland filling is usually a causc for concern, this project will help improve the overall <br />storm water situation in this neighborhood and will increase the quality of the water that enters <br />the lake. <br /> <br />Recommendation <br /> <br />Thc Planning Commission reviewed Plmming Casc 06-026 and unanimously recommends <br />approval of thc preliminary plat based on the following six findings of fact: <br /> <br />Zoning Ordinance Findings: <br />I. The preliminary plat proposal meets or exceeds all of the requirements of the underlying <br />R-l Zone, including minimum lot size, lot width, and lot depth. <br /> <br />',Vdetro-inet.lIsl11rdenhillsIPlrmning',f'/mming CasesI2006\06-026 Boutin PrelimiMIl)' Plat (PENDING)I090606 - CC Report Boutin preliminay} <br />plautoc <br /> <br />Page 2 of4 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />