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<br />Is- <br />LL, <br /><( <br />0::: <br />C <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION -SEPTEMBER 6, 2006 <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />not believe there was sufficicnt pondage in this area. He asked the City to think this . <br />development through to ensurc there was sufficient pondage. <br /> <br />Ralph Oliver, 3505 Siems Court, asked for elarification regarding the east parcel. He <br />asked what the elevation from Siems Court to the east property was. He noted Siems <br />Court was a very steep road. He believed the topography on the east side would be very <br />extrcme. He asked who would maintain that edge and would the trees remain. He stated <br />the existing landscaping was very nice to screen the neighborhood from the road. Mr. <br />Lehnhoff respondcd the elevation was 892 on Lot 1 and the road's highcst elevation was <br />910. He indicated the trees on the hillside would not be removed. He stated the trees <br />were within the 40 foot setback from the lot line and were important for maintaining <br />stability on the hill. <br /> <br />Ms. Giga stated no large scale trce removal was being requested for the PMP, but somc <br />trec trimming might be necessary for utility access. <br /> <br />Cindy Wheeler, 3576 Siems Court, stated she was not excited about this development. <br />She expressed concem about the amount of fill to be brought in. She asked if there was a <br />charge to thc landowner for that fill the City was going to provide. Ms. Giga responded <br />there was no charge and that was one of the negotiations with the landowner for the City <br />easement. She noted the fill is excess from the PMP project, and the City is not paying <br />for the easements on the property. <br /> <br />Ms. Wheeler stated shc was not sure it was right to give City fill to a private landowner <br />for development. If the City wants to do a separate negotiation for an easement, that <br />would be fairer. She noted the fill being given could have been used for community <br />projects rather than giving it to a private development. Chair Sand noted the City <br />Councij would have to address this issue and the planning Commission's role was to <br />make surc it met the zoning requirements. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Tom Mulcahy, 3530 Siems Court, stated he was "delighted" by this development. He <br />statcd he lived down thc road from this property. He stated in his opinion, a wonderful <br />dcal has just been made by an owner with the City in a timely fashion because of the <br />improvements on Siems Court and Ridgewood. He stated the residents would benefit <br />from thc proper handling of a great deal of water with this development. <br /> <br />Bob Binzer, 1600 Lake Johanna Blvd, stated his wife owncd the property. He noted the <br />problem was simple; they had a lot of water coming with one place to put it - on their <br />land. He indicated they were not happy about this and in exchange for this they were <br />asking for some fill. He noted they wcre giving a lot of wetlands to the City, as wcll as a <br />pond, for some fill and the ability to build on two of the lots. He noted right now the <br />watcr ran into Lake Johanna and with this proposal, the water would not run directly into <br />the lake and would bc trcated properly. <br /> <br />Diane Pearson, 1556 Arden Place, stated she was concemed about whether this land <br />adequately dcals with the amount of ponding there needs to be to preserve in the best . <br />possible way the water quality of Lake Joharma. She believed this land was always a <br />wetland and she believed they needed to be careful because a wetland wants to be a <br />wetland. <br />