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<br />. Official meeting notes are the responsibility of staff. <br />. Recommended size is 5 - 9 people. There should be an odd number of members. <br />. Approval of the work plan, purpose, and size should be done by Council <br />Resolution. <br />. Interested residents should complete an application, with an option of including a <br />letter of interest. <br />. The task force members, Chair, and Council Liaison shall be appointed by the <br />Mayor and ratified by the City CounciL <br />. Attempts shalI be made to have a balance of interests and expertisc represented on <br />a task force, as welI as balanced geographic represcntation. <br />. The City Administrator will assign a staff liaison to an approved task force. <br />. The City Council Liaison will bc responsible for reporting back to the City <br />Council and updating them on the progress of the task force. <br />. There will not be an interview process for task force membcrs. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />COUNCIL COMMITTEES <br /> <br />Council Committees shall be formed to address a defined project, not a policy. A <br />timeline must be determined. The committee will makc recommendations back to the <br />full City Council. Members will be appointed by the Mayor with approval of the City <br />Council. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />STANDING COMMITTEES <br /> <br />. The existing standing committees are as folIows: <br />o Planning Commission-Created via City Ordinance. Powers outlined in <br />State Statute and City Code. <br />o Economic Development Authority- Created via City Ordinance. Powers <br />outlined in State Statute and City Code. <br />o Economic Development Commission-Created via City Ordinance. <br />o Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee <br />o Communications Committee <br />o Karth Lake Improvement District Board <br />. Currently, members of the Planning Commission and PTRC are asked annually in <br />October or November, if they wish to serve anothcr year. Appointments are made <br />every January for one-year terms. <br />. Ordinances outline a plan for three-year rotating terms on the EDC and indicate <br />that the members of the City Council will make up the membership of the EDA <br />The bylaws for the Karth Lake District Board also calI for three-year rotating <br />tcrms. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />\\\ardenhilIs\Admin\Committees\Guidelines and Proccdures- General\2006 <br />Procedures.doc <br />