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<br />PROPOSED NEW APPOINTMENT PROCESS FOR STANDING <br />. COMMITTEES: <br /> <br />· Members shall be appointed by the Mayor with approval of the City CounciL <br />· Vacancies should be advertised (press reI case, city newsletter, WEB Page, <br />neighborhood meetings, etc.) <br />· Those interested in serving on a standing committee shall fill out a City <br />application form. As an option they may include a letter of interest. <br />. For the Planning Commission, interviews will be conducted. A Council <br />Committee will be formcd to review applications and make rccommendations for <br />interview. The interviews will be conducted by the Mayor or designee, the <br />Council Liaison, the Planning Commission Chair, and Staff Liaison. <br />· For the other standing committees (except the EDA), a Council Committee will <br />review applications, essentially functioning as a nominating committee. They <br />could choose to conduct phone interviews or other follow-up, but fi.mnal <br />interviews are not required. For a broad-based committee, there should be <br />emphasis on having representation of a variety of skills, aptitudes, geographic <br />locations, etc. The Council Committee will then make recommendations back to <br />the Mayor and City CounciL <br />. Consider making appointments to the Planning Commission and PTRC for three- <br />year rotating terms. <br />. The Chair of each committee shall be appointed by thc Mayor. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />APPOINTMENT POLICY (PROPOSED) FOR STANDNG COMMITTEES <br /> <br />It will be the policy of the City Council to: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />I. Offer appointment to the best qualified citizens for our committees, commissions, <br />and task forces. <br />2. Offer eligible members an opportunity to request re-appointment to the committee <br />or commission they are serving on for a second term. (Task Forces have a limited <br />term. ) <br />3. Advertise all vacancies to committees, commissions, and task forces. (This ad <br />should include a brief description of the committee, time and days of meetings, <br />how often meetings are held, the number of vacancies and any special <br />requirements. ) <br />4. To encourage wider public participation on committces and commissions, most <br />appointments will not be for morc than two consecutive terms or six (6) years. <br />Members who have completed their terms are eligible to apply for appointment to <br />a vacancy on another Committee or a task force. Task force appointments are for <br />the designated length of the work plan only. <br />5. City residency is required unless exempted by State Statutes or City Ordinance. <br />6. Provide training and encouragement for active participation in all committee <br />business through the employment of high quality staff or consultants to support <br />them and to facilitate open communication. <br /> <br />\ \Metro-inet. us\ardenhills\Admin\Committees\Guidelines and Procedures- General\2006 <br />Procedures. doc <br />