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<br />City of Arden Hills <br />BlueCrass BlueShield of Minnesota <br />Active Community Planning Grant #499 <br /> <br />The City Vision includes the phrase ". ..a desirable City in which to live, work, and play." Ardcn <br /> <br />Hills has worked diligcntly to maintain a strong and stable community for residents, workers, <br /> <br />and visitors. With tlle development ofthc TCAAP framework in 1996; the adoption of the 1998 <br /> <br />Comprehensive Plan; the crcation of the 2002 Parks, Trails and Opcn Space Plan; and the newest <br /> <br />PTRC Vision, the City of Arden Hills has taken a proactive approach to planning. <br /> <br />The Comprehcnsive Plan, TCAAP Framework and Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan all <br /> <br />incorporate active living principles. The TCAAP framework includes vast open areas for <br /> <br />recreation, extensivc pedestrian and bike paths, and mixed use developments to make walking a <br /> <br />viable option for residents to access commcrcial and recreational facilities. The 1998 <br /> <br />Comprehensive Plan focuscs heavily on capital improvements and expansions for trails, <br /> <br />recreational facilities, and parks. The 2002 Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan places a heavy <br /> <br />emphasis on integrating recreational and functional aspects of trails, particularly in connecting <br /> <br />trails togethcr to make them more usable for greater distances, for both recreational and <br /> <br />utilitarian uses. <br /> <br />Except for a short-term implemcntation schedule in the 2002 Parks Plan, these past plans havc <br /> <br />gencrally not included dctailed implementation stratcgics, spccific Zoning Ordinance amendment <br /> <br />recommendations, or set measurable goals to gauge short or long-tenn accomplishments. One of <br /> <br />the goals of this grant is to set a more detailed implementation schedule of projects that <br /> <br />incorporate activc living into planning and the huiJt environment. The implementation schedule <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />