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<br />City of Arden Hills <br />BlueCross BlueShield of Minnesota <br />Active Community Planning Grant #499 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />would also help set a list of priorities to help determine the feasibility of projects. An <br /> <br />implementation schedule and priority list would bc thc basis for sctting measurable goals. <br /> <br />The City of Arden Hills adoptcd thc most recent Comprehcnsive Plan on Novcmbcr 8, 1998. <br /> <br />While the Comprehensive Plan serves as the broad gniding document for land use, <br /> <br />transportation, housing, and opcn space, a more detailed Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan was <br /> <br />adopted in 2002. The Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan includcs a more defined set of goals <br /> <br />and priorities for expanding and maintaining those facilities in the City. <br /> <br />TCAAP is an ongoing project that will requirc a signiticant increase in planning activities over <br /> <br />the next several years. The framework for TCAAP is in place, the actual zoning ordinances <br /> <br />. have not been developed, which is a valuable opportunity to incorporate active living dircctly <br /> <br />into ordinances and subsequently thc built environment. While TCAAP is an unprecedented <br /> <br />example for new dcvclopment in Arden Hills, incorporating active living into the developed <br /> <br />portion of the City and increasing connectivity within the community and to neighboring <br /> <br />communitics is equally important. <br /> <br />After the adoption of the] 998 Comprehensive Plan, thc City dcvclopcd the Neighborhood <br /> <br />Busincss zoning district in an effort to bring neighborhood commercial activities and residential <br /> <br />areas closer together. The new district was dcsigned to allow neighborhood based businesses to <br /> <br />locatc at the edge of residential arc as with the intent of making businesses more accessible to <br /> <br />non-motorized traffic. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />7 <br />