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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Warming House Status Memo <br />May 3, 2006 <br />Page 4 of6 <br /> <br />4) OPTION D: Construct new warming house buildings. <br /> <br />. Wanning houses would be constructed with similar design as existing buildings. <br /> <br />. Staff would establish a monthly routine to maintain the huildings in the attcmpt to <br />prolong their use. <br /> <br />. The estimated cost does not include electrical hook-ups, removal of existing <br />huildings, or painting of interiors. <br /> <br />. Staff is currently waiting for an estimate on the cost to movc thc Cummings <br />and/or Valentine Park buildings to Hazelnut or Freeway. <br /> <br />The total estimated eost for this option would be $19,679.00 per site. <br /> <br />F or a specific brcakdown of estimatcd costs for this option, pleasc rcfer to the <br />attachcd cstimatc. (Attachment 78-9) <br /> <br />Valentine Park <br />Attendanee: <br />Attendance at this park has always been low; however, the numbers continuc to dcclinc. Thc <br />attendance went from 216 users last winter to ] 14 this winter. The mild wintcrs have made <br />maintaining thc icc diffIcult at this park. <br /> <br />Building Condition: <br />The area where the wanning house is located floods every spring due to the fact that it is at a <br />lower elcvation than Lake Valentine and the ice rink. Every year after the spring flood, the <br />warming house must be cleaned, disinfcctcd and rotted wood and insulation removed. This <br />requires Operations and Maintenance staff to completely clear out the building in ordcr to spray <br />and clean the inside. The yearly f100ding that occurs has begun to cause long term maintcnancc <br />issues and has atTccted the huilding's structural integrity. <br /> <br />(I) OPTION A: Tear down the cxisting warming house and do not replace. <br /> <br />Thc rink would remain open without a warming house. The rink would bc <br />maintained by the Operations and Maintenance stan: A timer could he installed on <br />the rink lights for automatic turn on and off Staffing costs for each site are budgeted <br />at approximately $2,656.29 per rink. This considers wages for all hours possible <br />throughout the season and FICA: <br /> <br />318.50 possible hours (maximum days opcn) <br />x $7.75 avcragc of hourly wages <br />$2,468.38 <br /> <br />x 1.07(',:; for FICA (employer portion) <br />$2,656.29 <br />