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<br />Page 2 ofJD <br /> <br />Cost savings reflected in this memorandum are based on thc change order amounts plus <br />anticipated savings in engineering fees, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />General Capital Fund/General Fund <br />At this time it appears the overage in the General Capital Fund is reduced by $14,845.97 from <br />$72,686.77 to approximately $57,840,80, In order to cover a cost differential of$S7,840.80, <br />options would include the following: <br /> <br />Delay purchase of front end loader (2008) <br />Delay purchase of Gateway Sign(s) (2006,2007) <br />Delay or eliminate purchase of Trail Maintcnance/ <br />Plowing Vehicle (2007) <br />Delay purchase of Toro Groundmaster (2006) <br /> <br />$ 72,500 <br />$ 30,000, $50,000 <br /> <br />$ 150,000 <br />$ 30,000 <br /> <br />One-half ofthe cost for the front end loader is budgeted in the General Capital Fund, The other <br />half is budgeted in the Water Fund. When we delay [he replacement of items such as the front <br />end loader and the Toro Groundmaster, we need to consider that as they age and get more usc, at <br />some point they may break down and necessitate emergency purchase or rental. The trail <br />maintenance/plowing vehicle was being considered for safety reasons, as well as for other <br />operating efficiencies. The safety concerns could be addrcssed by adjusting our trail plowing <br />policy. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Stormwater Fund <br />As of this writing we have identified approximately $54,961,18 in savings to the stormwater <br />fund, reducing the cost differential from $147,463.47 to $92,502.29, In order to cover the cost <br />differential of$92,S02.29, options would include the following: <br /> <br />Delay/reduce pond maintenance (2007,2009) <br />Delay Snelling Avenue Reconstruction Project (2008) <br /> <br />$ 100,000, $ 100,000 <br />$ 100,000 <br /> <br />Thcsc arc the only rcal options wc'vc identified for this fund. Staff believes we need to maintain <br />budgeted funding for stom1 water work related to mill and overlay projects, We have not <br />historically been doing storm pond maintenance, but we felt we should starl budgeting for such <br />work as we start experiencing storm drainage problems. In addition, we may be requircd to do <br />somc ofthis work as part of the SWPPP program, We may be able to pcrform some work at <br />lower cost by doing it in the winter, and in partnership with the City of Roscville, <br /> <br />In terms of thc Snelling A venuc projcct, I believe during earlier discussion with the Council, we <br />had prcliminary discussions of dclaying this projcct one-two years based on the availability of <br />MSA funding. This project's impact on the Storm Watcr fund is furlher reason to consider a <br />delay. In addition, staff believes the costs for storm water improvements related to this project <br />will be higher than $100,000, <br /> <br />. <br />