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<br />~j <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~e <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Counc II Minutes <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br />""\1,,8, 1971 <br /> <br />southwest corner of Dun I ap Street end Red Fox Roa.d be approyed$ttJl~et <br />to Village Engineer,'. approval o.f drelnage plans and wltht"e.,rovf5'on <br />that exterior wallll o.f the building be eo.nstruc'ted,of bre.k;...,." "'tocks <br />to.a. large extent as possible, but that the us. of brick .".1"'0.1" <br />Willis In pllrt will be perlllltted, If necessary. ' <br /> <br />Cue No.. 71-39, T.C.A. AIIDlunltlon Plant Requestfcr 'Access Drive to <br />Lexl ngtonAvenue <br /> <br />Co.unellllllln Ho.ltenhorst ...eported 0.111 II meeting be .attended No"~nllber8wlth <br />Col. Cheescllillilll end Co.l. Johnson lit the T .C.A. ADlmulJlt'lon PI..,'!'. He <br />repcrted that the Federul Government made the pto.pertv llve''''h. <br />National GUIIl'd, IInd thet they feel they hllve a grellt need for,thepro'- <br />po.sed f.llclll tv. Mr. Hollenho.rst reco.lllmended that the Co.unel t,talle no. <br />aetlen o.n the IIppl leatlon ,pending dls-eusslo.n _etlngs "Itlltlte VU h,e <br />o.f Shorevlew IInd Ramsey Co.unty. He stilted thet t~. propcs._ tr~j.ct <br />wo.uld IIppear to largely effect Shorevlew's Turt'e Lllke area aDd t~ <br />Rllmsey County Op,eo SPace, pillA. No 'action tllken. ' <br /> <br />CIISe No.. 70-4, Pro.posedmghway 51. Reco.nstruct I o.n Plans - R..epol"t ,:of <br />Meeting,", ',., . " <br /> <br />'-,' ::::'::::" - .'-' - - .:-::};~;(- <br />"'lIyor Crepeau reported }>n:a discussion 1119e1'lnghe,'at the Artte, HI Us <br />VIIIIIge Hall o.n Noveltlber:-lr, The meeting WllS eoncha~t.d bY$8..etOl" ''-lobt. <br />Ashbllch. "lIS attende<l<~I'i"'~eYerlll o.ff I c I II I s ofithe~,.f.flhW8V o.p!r't~~tiend <br />the V I II age o.f ArdenJI! ,Is; r t was he I d fo.r tffe 'purpose of d Iselld:' ng <br />speed limits en HIghnV51 and the Shte HlgIIIIllY oe',utlll8nt'.,.ropONld <br />HI !;!hway 51 reconstruction p lens. Mayo.r Crepeau reported th'at'th_...H i t1h-, <br />way Department's reconstruction plans have' beenmo.((lfled. fie reeolllHnded <br />thllt IIddltlo.nal Hetlngs o.n the subject be held, IIndth.t IlIOreJl'eople <br />partlelpllte In tbem.Councllman Henderson , the re.i~'d.nt$9f <br />Arden HIli s I, 2, and :$ areas lInd the lyd I a A"en,ue erEla be 'lIlven ede:q...te <br />advance notice of futlJre meetings and/or hGIII',ln,g 1'(\, hlsure ,.goolllattend,. <br />anee. Mr. Henderson vo.lunteered to work' on 8' pe1"Itlo.n opposing th:e <br />reconstruction plans at$uch time thaT It Is n&8'((&,o. <br /> <br />CO'uncllman HollenhO'rst p,r'e.!lented the NO've. 4. 19.7" recommendatJ.<:!n*, O'f <br />the Planning Commission as fO'llows: ' , ", <br /> <br />I. That no. slgnal,llghts be Instelled at the lnterse'CtlO'lJo.f <br />. Hllm II ne, Sne I ling and HI ghwIIV 51. ' <br /> <br />'2. I That the HlghnyOe;partment consider InshdJ,atlon of trllftlc <br />II gilts at LydIa AvEtnue and Snelling "vllllue. <br /> <br />3. That 8 reduced.spee,d limit to 50 MPH, $o.uth ,of County ROl!ldt::, <br />be establlshed,,'I''nllntlclpatlon O'f the.s'to.p lIght at,LY~H!iiAve. <br /> <br />Mo.tlon was made by HO'llenhorst, seconded by flender,lton. thllt -the r,c:plIl- <br />mendlltlons of the Planning Commlsslo.n be approy,.1i.'b'y the VI 1'~ge ,COIl~lC:H; <br />mO'tlon carried unanimously. <br /> <br /> <br />,- <br /> <br />Bul14Hld" lnspecto.r's Report - OctO'ber <br />- <br /> <br />Councilman Hollenhorst'1.l.rl'efly reviewed Insp$~tO't>$qulr&$'! Octobe.;; <br />report. Clerk Admlnlstrl!l't.or was asked to Inv'lte In~pecto.r Squires to. <br />IIttend the NO'vember 29, 1971 Council meeting to' discuss currentco.d.e <br />vlolatlO'ns and enforcelnent procedures. <br /> <br />New Property Development <br /> <br />The Councl' discussed the adviSability of adO'ptlng a polley toreqlltre <br />develo.pers of new pro.perty plats to 'pay t'helr way for the futtlf'",WiIe.of <br />recreational facilIties likely to be used. Possibly an IIsses$lIIentcould <br />be added to' all building permits Issued where sueh II situation develops. <br /> <br />The Council referred the matter to the Finance Committee. Plllnnl.,g <br />Commission. Parks and Rec:relltlon Committee. IInd Ordinance Revle'WCo.lII- <br />mlttee. asking thllt the matter be studied' and that cons I derlt;'f'.lon ,bit <br />given to the estllblishment of guidelines, which wQu.d provIde U$ <br />reimbursement for the use of exls,tlng recrutlonel "ellltI88. lh~ <br />Committees were also asked to. consider a policy to requIre 1'l!ll,,'."'4 <br />projects to' develop their park and recre~tlo.nal facl.lltles e~~~D. <br />project Itself develops. .:,:, <br /> <br />_'l_ <br /> <br /> <br />;,;.:r;;:i.." <br />