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<br />.:, <br /> <br /> <br />l-< <br /> <br />,',: <br />.,' <br /> <br /> <br />, <br /> <br /> <br />- ,t ~. "i( <br />>--ftT <br /> <br /> <br />!<; <br /> <br />" '~. <br /> <br />Nov. ,'..', IUI <br /> <br />Council Minutes <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />Engineer ChrIstoffersen to furnish Mrs. StromquIst with.. ",p,",,,~h., <br />drllln~ge area Involved. Clerk AdmInistrator wes In!~trudedto."'~ <br />to the County EngIneer or County Board and Hndout If theCo~t.,,' <br />will consIder assuming part of the cost due tc! the fect th.1"*," <br />Brighton Road Is Involved and Is a county rOlld. <br /> <br />Lake Johanna Dralnaoe <br /> <br />The Council llnd r.nglneu briefly discussed the current Jl.lgh'..a1"e" I......., <br />of lake Johanna. Counc I hlan Ollllen wes asked to <:,ont8ctthe 'Leke ."Oh....n...' <br />FIre Department and ask them to flush out the north end of t~. Lake <br />Johanna outlet to try to rId the clllv.rt of sand and 1..'11'... If the <br />culvert cen be cleared. 'the \IIater level shOuld lower Itself to . ,..1'15- <br />factory level. ' <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE TREASURER RICHARO OrKEllY <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />Mot I on wes made by Ho Ilef1hprst, seconded by Herrl c;:k. thllt,..p.'" <br />request of Mr.lindemer,Y'he matter be temporarIly tabled;lllotlon <br />unanimously. , ' <br /> <br />Case No. 71-34. Prellmih,llr,'Y Plat Approval Of,,~lttJ~C,.ow AddItIon <br /> <br />Motion l'IlIS made by Holllilnllp'rst. seconded by Hende"l$on, that the Council <br />concur with 1'he recomm~nd,~;tlons of the Plannl,,~ C~ll!inlulon Qffllov. 4, <br />1971, and that the prqpe:s~d little Crow Addltlonl>Ej !llvenpreJI!IIlnarV <br />pI af approval, subJectr,~.,the three changes I Is-ted by thePtsn.,1 !I~', <br />Commission; moflo,! carrl~~. unanimously. (Not,,: Thl\! approv..ltllc,I'Pd~. <br />provisIon that lot 2 b. ~l'lmlnated.) , <br /> <br />1'1\. ", <br />c;~r,f'IMI <br />:,'- ',':, <br /> <br />Case No. 71-41, Application for Trailer Rental at$iRelly StlltlO,n <br /> <br />Motion WllS made <br />concur \11lth ths <br />CommIssIon, and <br />Skelly Station, <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />, , <br />by HOI"I~I)".'~".~rst, seco~ded, by Herrl(:~,.' that thS.'CC).U'lif",.l', <br />recomm~tid!!ltlons. d!!lted Nov. ", 197:1, of the Pllmnlh.9 <br />th!!lt {~e'apPllcatlon for U-Halll 1ral ler R.ntaI8t.;:t~liJ <br />3833 Nor"l'h lexl ngton Avenue I;l,tl den.! ed; IIlOt 1 on c.,....j...4 <br /> <br />Case No. 71-42. BuildIng P~rmlt Application tot' Tuppenere BuHdlng <br /> <br />, " <br />, , <br />After dIscuss t on of the matter and review of recomftlsnda'tl oflsof,the.\ <br />PlannIng CommissIon minutes of November 4, 1971 .motIQnw_. "_!-is>":,,, <br />Hollenhorst. seconded by HerrIck. thet the buildIng p.rml"l' .p~tlll:<<Jth:m <br />subm I tted by Mr. Kenneth He Iverson for Tupperwa;reb.ul hUng at, ~ <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />