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<br />, <br /> <br />~' <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />:,~~ <br /> <br />;, <br />k <br />...~." <br />~~.. <br />~, <br />~' . <br />~" ' <br />~, <br />!' <br /> <br />..... <br />''" <br /> <br />~if' <br />Ih'.;, <br />:if~'~' <br />~'}:'>'l.~-. <br />:;:: . <br />f <br />, <br /> <br /> <br />,I <br /> <br /> <br />( Council Minutes <br /> <br />~4~ <br /> <br />t(ov~ 8, t.1J 71 <br /> <br />Arsenal Sand and Gravel, <br /> <br />Councilman Hollenhorst reported brleflv on . proposed pro9~"" ,-tle <br />Arsenel Send and Gravel Co. to discharge wash water frolll tti.l,. .e"d <br />end gravel operation Into Marsden lake. The project wo~ld send one' <br />million gellon$ per dey of wete,r Into the marshy lake. The'dralnege <br />area Is part of the Rice Creek Wate,. Shed Area and would be '$libjec1' <br />to the State Pollution Control Depart~ent. Mr. HoII.nhorst to Check <br />further Into the metter. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCilMAN E. GRAY HENDERSON. Finance and Municipal La." <br />and Bulld1ngs <br /> <br />Auditor's Recommendations <br /> <br />Councilman Henderson reviewed the recommendations of the Finance <br />Committee of October 21, 1971. relating to the eudlt of tbe 19J'IQ <br />V III age accounts by Audl tor John Met'l'lI a. The Collllftl ttee recOlllflM"eJed <br />thet all the auditor's suggestions, detailed In his letter. d.t.d <br />June 18, 1971. be accepted,'eKcept his reco...nded purChase of . <br />protector. The few cheeks for the First Net I one I . S.nk not cu"...,,1' I V <br />hendl.d on the N.C.R. machine, which hes an automatic check protector. <br />could be mor. economlcallv handled by the purchas. ofN.C.R. obeck <br />ferms. Motion was Mede by Henderson, seconded "by HoUetltle,.,t. .tbet <br />the a~dlt report be approved and the eudltor'. recommended proc.du~ ~ <br />be adopted; motion cerrledunanlmously. <br /> <br />::'j <br /> <br />Pua_Ity - OellnQuent UHnty Accounts <br /> <br />MI". H~H,derson reportlild tllat the Flnence Committee recolllmende't'.1-1'''. <br />penet! tv, cllarge on del' "quent uti II ty account. re!llal If ot 8%. *1'10" ... <br />made by Henderson. .eC::onded by Hol1enhorst, thet the 8% pen.lty c...rf8 <br />rlllmaln. ' <br /> <br />Aftlllr Council dlscusslon<<>,f the lIIetter, the el>ovemotlon Wes t.~I"d., end <br />the pene Ity cbarge retewa. referred beck to tile Fhfance COlIt\IlI tte~j.,-d <br />the Ordinance Review COIil!!llI,tte., Informlngtb,J'Il, thet' the Couaell 1.-; <br />continuing the U peneltyrete. but went thecollllllltt..s'o consldtlrilft <br />84138&1 Interest charge".'hfth. delinquent acc~\!ntllllltCa.ds a certeHit <br />doller elllOllnt. Clerk'A!fml'!'Ilstrator was Insti'lIctelf'ro refer the Ill.tter <br />first to the Ordinance R~)i:,lew ~ol/lmlttee to d8t.rlill'IU' I eg1t II ty of '''. <br />lIlatter, and thel) to the Ft;,flance COI!\lllI ttee. The F,ti!'.nc.Collll1lftt..,~. <br />el so esll.ed to recomlll8nd !II' ,!late when en acco\lllt IhOIl'. d be cOllll.....;'; <br />de II nquent. 'l' ' <br /> <br />Proposed llC8nsln~ Or~~~~~8 <br />:"':~;, " .,,-. <br />Council Blen Henderson r.",1.8'118d the current statllS eff!' ,ropo.j6 ell..n".:' <br />to Village license fe.s,~tlltlng that a fee si!;he.,~'I,e has beep ~c9tl~ <br />mended by a ~I Rance COl!ltnl'ttee subcomll\l tee head,ed b''f!' $herwoodBerg_;.' ,} <br />The schedule should now,b,e put Into ordlnance.form'"by the brdlnaftc~ ',' <br />Review Committee. : <br /> <br />.,', <br />;;> <br /> <br />Mrs. Strol/lqulst report~.4' spme administrative 'questtQn. and sugge,stI01ls <br />on the matter. <br /> <br />Motion was mede by Hend.r~;r>n. seconded by HerrlclI,i,lj"hat the P\",~",o~dJ) <br />license fee schedule ber\!lferred to the Ordinance Review Co.mln.a';", <br />motlo,n carried unanlmo,ltll'ly. Clerk Admlnlstr~.torwes ~sked to len~;' <br />copies of the proposedifM schedule to Counc!,., m,elrlbers and to~.nt,; <br />the adml,n l,stratlvecol1lliijlnf~ to Dr. Berg llnd tp th. OrdlnaM:~ f5~,!:"t~; <br />Committee. ' <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN STANI,.~Y OlMEN - .Publlc WorkS <br /> <br />197/-72 Winter Road Maintenance Policies. RamSeY County <br /> <br />Councilman Olll8n revieWed l!I letter, dated November 4, 1971. frOM <br />County Engineer Deane Antden, which stated that greatly reducedataQunts <br />of" salt and SlIlld wll I beu5ed for winter road malntenence tttan .".,ft the <br />past due to new legislation restricting the use of salt or'barlilfuL <br />corrosive chemicalS upon highways llnd streets. The 1,,,tentof,1:"818918- <br />latlon Is to curhll pOllutlon. The new practice wi iii requl',stmen+ <br /> <br />.A_ <br />