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<br />Council Minutes <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />Oct. 25, 1971 <br /> <br />REPORT OF ATTORNEY VINCENT P. COURTNEY <br /> <br />Amendment to Liquor Ordinance <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney read the proposed ordinance in Its final form. <br />Motion was made by Hollenhorst, seconded by Olmen, that an ORDINANCE <br />AMENDING ORDINANCE NOS. 92 AND 101, RELATING TO THE HOURS OF SALE <br />AND CONSUMPTION OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS be given a final reading and <br />be adopted as read; motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />DamaQe CI~im - Steve Masi~ <br /> <br />The Counci 1 Instructed Ai-ty. Courtney to write ill letter regarding <br />the matter to be sent to our insurance company to turn the matter <br />over to Northdale Construction Co. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />2rey Fox Road and Dunlap Street <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney reported that he Is waiting for a property abstract <br /> relates to the street dedication. "ayor Crepeau asked that <br />the information be sent to him upon Its receipt. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENGINEER DONALD LUND <br />(presented by Engineer Donald Christoffersen) <br /> <br />Chills. Pe rry Park <br /> <br />Engineer Christoffersen showed the Council the pIctures taken of Chas. <br />Perry Park prior to any construction by Belair Construction Co. The <br />pictures were dated and labeled on the ba~k. The Enginee~ was directed <br />to spot the photos on a map and send map and pictures to Attorney <br />Courtney. <br /> <br />Chas. Perry Park, Change Order No. I <br /> <br />Motion waS made by Herrick, seconded by Henderson, that Change Order <br />No. I in the amount of $9,052.00 for additional excavation to the <br />Belair Construction CQmpuny contract for Chas. Perry Park Improvement <br />be approved; motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Basis for Assessments <br /> <br />Engineer Christoffersen reviewed the assessment rolls for Water Improve- <br />ments 70-1 and 71-1, and Sewer Improvement 16, showing how assessments <br />were figured. Details wi II be presented at the pUblic hearing on <br />November 8. <br /> <br />Drainage Complaint <br /> <br />Councilman Hollenhorst reported a complaint received from ~r. Norman <br />Bakken that Little Lake Johanna appears unduly polluted and that <br />possibly detergent wastes are coming in from Rosevllle thru their <br />culvert into the lake. The Village of Rosev!1 ie, thru their own test- <br />Ing, feit that they are not causing pollution of the lake. Councilman <br />Hollenhorst stated he would contact the State Pollution Control Dept. <br />on October 26, and then o~der further testing of the water. <br /> <br />. Glenpaul Road Drainage <br /> <br />Counci Iman Olmen reported that Banister Engineering Co. was asked to <br />prepare cost estimates and to study feaslbl I Ity of a drainage project <br />for the Glenpaul Road area. The Engineer Is breaking down costs Into <br />an east project anq a west project. The project could be done yet <br />this fali, but rastoration projects would probably be done next sprlng. <br /> <br />. :~ <br />