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<br />.. <br /> <br />.,~ <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />M1nutes of Regular <br />Council Meeting <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />July 26, 1971 <br /> <br />matter, affirming the order of the trial court in Arden Hi I Is' favor. <br />A copy of the decision was given each councilman and a copy filed <br />with the Clerk Administrator. Mr. Courtney further reported that <br />Mr. Rein wi II apparently petition the Court fOr are-hearing. <br /> <br />McDonald & Associat~s Contrac!~~s~ment Request <br />A special discussion meeting was set for Thursday, July 29, 1971, at <br />7: 00 p. m. at the V i I lane 'Ha I I to discuss the above matte r. Attorney <br />Courtney, Engineer Rog~r Short and Council members were a~ked to <br />attend. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />McGuire's Enterprises <br />A letter, dated July 23, 1971, from Mr. Joe Lambert and Mr. Paul <br />Pream, McGuire's Enterprises, was read by Attorney Courtney. L. Strom- <br />quist to call Attorney Richard Meyers regarding the request for certain <br />records relating to the corporate transfer from Boccard; Inc. to <br />McGuire's Enterprises, asking that copies of cancelled checks be sent <br />to Arden Hills to verify the amount paid by Truck Crane at the time <br />of the corporate transfer. <br /> <br />Appraisal Report, Sanitary Sewer Easement 12-7 <br />An appraisal of Sanitary Sewer Easement 12-7, Sanitary Sewer Improve- <br />ments 12-13, by Joseph L. Bettendorf, dated July 6, 1971, was filed <br />with the Clerk Administrator's records. <br /> <br />HUD Grant, Water Improvement 68-2 and 68-3 <br />A letter, dated July 23, 1971, from the Chicago HUD Office asking <br />for additional information with respect to land and right of way costs <br />was referred to Village Engineer Norm Hendrickson, asking that he <br />provide the HUD Office with the Information requested. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENGINEER DONALD LUND-~ ~ ~ x.--. r>'-' <br />. ~f'"1L' <br />MetropOlitan Disposal System <br />Engineer Lund reviewed a 15 page report on Sewage and <br />Rules and Regu'atlons for the Metro Disposal System. <br />Council on the matter will be submitted by Mr. Lund. <br />filed with the Clerk Administrator. <br /> <br />Waste Control <br />A letter to the <br />The report was <br /> <br />Information to N.S.P.ReQardlrio Planned Construction Projects . <br />.In a letter, dated July 19, 1971, N.S.P. asked that they be notified <br />In advance when Village construction projects are planned, s~chas <br />sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water mains or road grading or surfacl~g. <br />Engineer Lund reported that Banister Engineering Co. has provided <br />this Information to of all such projects. Clerk <br />Administrator was asked to answer the letter telling them of our <br />practice in the matter. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN E. Gray Henderson - Finance and Municipal lards <br />and Buildings <br /> <br />Change Order No.4'" EIVlew Construction GO. <br />;"'atter tablec( to ne"X"t-oi'e"'6tTiig-:-------- <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN STANLEY OLMEN - Public Works <br /> <br />Dedication of Grey Fox Road and D~p Street <br />Mayor Crepeau reported that Roberts Construction Co. and their Attorney, <br />Mr. Daubney, are working on details to enable them to turn Grey Fox <br />Road and Dunlap Street over to the Village. Mr. Roberts 15 In favor <br />of an overlay of the streets as opposed to sealcoatlng them. Engineer <br />Lund stated he felt that the overlay would provide a much better street. <br />L. Stromquist was asked to advise Attorney Courtney to work out legal <br />details with Atty. Daubney. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN RON HERRICK - Parks and Recreation, Human Rights <br />and Ordinance Review <br /> <br />Metro Sewer Charqes, 1972 <br />Councilman Henderson attended a recent meeting of the Metro Sewer Board <br />which was scheduled to allow the Board to present proposed changes to <br /> <br />-2- <br />