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<br />, <br /> <br />.-',f <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council <br />Meeting <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br />July 26, 1971 <br /> <br />municipal itles for sanitary sewer for 1972, but In his absence, Mr. <br />Herrick reported briefly on the matter, The Sewer Board has estimated <br />an $86,000 to $93,000 charge In 1912 to Arden Hills, leaning to the <br />$93,000. The 1971 charge of $55,000 was opposed by Arden Hills, but <br />to date no usage figures have been provided by the Sewer Board to <br />allow us to present our protest. Reports of Banister Engineering Co. <br />are on file at the Village office for possible use In such protest, <br />which we understand could not yet be made. Clerk Administrator <br />Stromquist was asked to determine the details of how and when Arden <br />Hills can file a protest for the 1971 charges and to let the Metro <br />Sewer Board know that we vehemently object to both the 1971 charges <br />and the proposed 1972 charges. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Parks Maintenance <br /> <br />CouncIlman Herrick reviewed the minutes of the Parks and Recreation <br />Committee meeting of July 20, 1971. The Committee again expressed <br />concern about maintenance and grass cutting of Village parks and <br />asked the Council to request Mr. Beecher to present a schedule to the <br />Committee for the regular maintenance of al I parks. <br /> <br />Mr. Herrick ~ead a memo addressed to him from Supervisor Beecher, <br />whIch answered certain questions raised by the Committee. <br /> <br />Hockey Boards <br />The Council requested that the Parks and Recreation Committee obtain <br />bids for the hockey boards needed. <br /> <br />Chas. Perrv Park Plans <br />A meetIng was scheduled for Tuesday morning, July 27, between Engineer <br />Lund and Parks Chairman Glen Beggln to discuss changes the Committee <br />proposes for Chas. Perry Park plans. Plans for the park are to be <br />ready for consideration at the August 9, 1971 Council meeting. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR HENRY J. CREPEAU, JR. - General Government and <br />Public Safety <br /> <br />1970 Census Count <br />Mayor Crepeau reported that the Census Bureau has reduced the 1970 <br />census figure for Arden HIlls from 5,628 to 4~75. PrelIminary counts <br />performed by both the Metro Council and the Arden Hills staff Indicated <br />population counts of Qver 5,000 prior to 1979; therefore, Mayor Crepeau <br />asked Clerk Administrator Stromquist to confer with Mr. Robert Nethercut <br />and staff of the Metro Council to obtain background and basis of their <br />earl ier counts. Pertinent Information Is to be compiled by L. Strom- <br />quist for use as a,foundatlon to allow the Council to ~equest a census <br />recount; data to be given to Mayor Crepeau as early as posslbie. <br /> <br />A map and letter, dated July 23, 1971, from Mrs. Dorothy Oatman, Metro <br />Council staff, was reviewed by the Village Council. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />VIllage Office Move to New Addition <br />Mayor Crepeau reported that the Village office staff obtained an <br />estimate of about $167.00 from a professional moving company to move <br />Village office equipment from the old location to the adJolnl"g "ew <br />addition. The move Is to be made Wednesday. July 28. After discussion, <br />the Council asked Supervisor Beecher and Steve Zehm to move the equip- <br />ment with the assistance of one or two off-duty pollee officers. A <br />dolly Is to be rented for the project. <br /> <br />Service Lane. North of Highway 96 <br />Mayor Crepeau reported a call from Mr. Paul Waldoch. Mr. Waldoch <br />stated that he and his wife are in favor of the State Highway Dept.'s <br />proposal for a cul-de-sac at Highway 10 near Highway 96, but they <br />feel they need Ingress and egress to Highway 96. L. Stromquist was <br />asked to call theWaldochs and let them know who to contact at the <br />State Highway Dept. to make their request known. <br /> <br />-3- <br />