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<br />Minutes of Council Meeting <br />Page i"hrae <br /> <br />August 30, 1971 <br /> <br />property frontage. <br /> <br />A Joint water line to the Thill and the Hansen homes, from the <br />street to the houses, was discussed. Mr. Thill was Informed <br />that such a Joint -'ine would require a permit ISSued by the Council. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE TREASURER RICHARD O'KELLY <br /> <br />Mr. O'Kelly reported that as of August I, 1971, the VIllage has <br />approximately $75,000 In cash balances In all accounts with an <br />additional $1,017,400 Invested In various securities, <br /> <br />He reported that he is working with the Administrative staff to <br />get Village payment schedules etc. to better enable him +0 effi- <br />ciently Invest Arden Hills funds. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN JOHN HOLLENHORST - Planning and Zoning <br /> <br />Case No. 71-27. Northwestern College - Building Permit Request to <br />Remodel an: ~xlstlng ~ulldln9 for~se as a library. <br /> <br />Motion made by Hollenhorst, seconded by Herrick, that the Council <br />concur with the Planning Commission recommendatIon and approve <br />Northw.estern Coltege Building Permit request, as submitted with Case <br />.No. 71-27, subject to the approval of the State Fire Marshall and the <br />Village Building Inspector. Motion carried unanimOusly. <br /> <br />Case No. 7/-28, James 8. McNamee - Variance ReQue$! <br />Motion made by Hollenhorst, seconded by Olmen, that the Council <br />concur wIth the Board of Appeals and the Planning Comm-Illslon, and <br />that the variance request to build an attached garage at 3535 SIems <br />Court, as per plans submitted with Case No. 71-26,be approved. ' <br />Motion carried unanimously.. , <br /> <br />Case No. 71-30, N.S.P. Gas Line Extension on 14th Stre.t <br />Motion made by Hollenhorst, seconded by Herrlck~ that the Council <br />concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and that <br />the request of N.S.P. to extend a gas line on 14th Street, as per <br />plans submitted with Case No. 71-30, be approved subject to review <br />by proper inspectors and providing that all neeessary permIts be ob- <br />tained. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />CaSe No. 70-48, Mobile Home Ordinance <br />Motion made by Herrick, seconded by Hollenhorst, that the Council <br />concur with the Planning Commission and that AN ORDINANCE REGULATING <br />THE LOCATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND ESTABLISHING STANDARDS AND RULES OF <br />OPERATING FOR MOBILE HOME COURTS, AND ESTABLISHING PENALTIES FOR <br />VIOLATION, as amended by the Planning Commission on June I, 1971, be <br />approved and publIshed. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Case No. 71-26. Partridge Construction Ccmpany _ Planned Un-It Develop- <br />ment <br />BeCause of the Impact such a development would have on a Village the <br />size of Arden Hills, Councilman Hollenhorst reviewed plans pending <br />with the Planning Commission of Partridge Construction Company for a <br />planned unit development on a 121.7 acre tract (townhouses and apart- <br />ments) bounded by County Road E2, the Soo line tracks, New Brighton <br />Road and Old Highway 10. <br /> <br />The proposal Includes a IOe.5 acre townhOuse are~ on the east, consis- <br />ting of 522 unIts; a 19.2 -acre apart~ent area on the west, consIsting <br />of 264 units and an approximate 275 ft. x 365 ft. convenience Shopping <br />area at the SE corner of New8rlghton Road and County Road E2. The <br />site plan also Includes II bike and hike trail, several recreation areas <br />and a community building with swimming pools. <br /> <br />Mr. Hollenhorst requested as much publIcity as pos.sible on the proposal <br />prior to a scheduled pUblic hearing before the Planning Commission <br />on September 7, 1971 at 8:00 p.m. at the Village Hall. <br /> <br />Bettle I Drive <br />Clerk Administrator was requested to Cheek VIllage records and find <br /> <br />-3- <br />