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<br />"" <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />Minutes of Council Meeting <br />Page four <br /> <br />Augu st 30, '!l7l <br /> <br />out what provisions were made on the permit which allowed <br />Co! lege to extend Bethel Drive out toward Old Highway 10. <br />tlon to be given to Councilman Hollenhorst. <br /> <br />I-fEPORT OF COUNCIL~IAN HENDERSON - finance anll Municipal lands and <br />Bu i t dings <br /> <br />Bathe I <br />Inforllla- <br /> <br />Finance Committee Ch~irman <br />Councilman Henderson reported that Robert Nethercut has asked not <br />to be appointed as Chairman of the Finance Committee, but that he <br />has agreed to being Acting Chairman until the end of the current <br />year. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Deputy Treasurer <br />Mr. Henderson reported that the Finance Committee recommended that. <br />the Village appoint a Deputy Treasurer, .and that an existing Village <br />Employee be considered for the appointment. <br /> <br />1972 Proposed Bud~et and Tax Lev~ <br />Councilman Henderson reported that Clerk Administrator Lorraine <br />Stromquist presented the proposed budget and tax levy for 1972 to <br />the Finance Committee on August- !9,-~nd that the Committee reviewed <br />the budget in detail. <br /> <br />i <br />,. <br /> <br />The Committee had questIons on specific revenue and expend't~r.s. AI' <br />questions were lIsted and are attached to the Finance Committee <br />Minutes of August 19, and wi I I be answered at the next Committe. <br />meeting.' A Joint meeting of the Finance Committee, the Village <br />Council, Department Heads and Committee ChaIrmen has been sch.A~iad <br />for Thursday, September 1_6, 1971, at 8:00 p.m. at the Village Hall. <br /> <br />Counc II man Henders_on-suggested that add I t I ona I quest Ions re the <br />Budget and Tax Levy be raised at the Septem~ar 16 meeting, to avoId <br />last minute questions on the matter after the budget has been put <br />Into final form. <br /> <br />Sanitary Sewer and Water Assessment Rates _ <br />A sanitary sewer and water assessment rate study, dated August 10~ <br />1971, as presented to the Finance Committee by sub-committee Chairman <br />Robert McNlesh, was reviewed by Ce~ncilman Henderson. Assessments <br />would be revIsed as follows: <br />The following charges, lImited to actual costs, are recom~ <br />mended for future Improvements: <br /> <br />Sanitary Sewer: <br /> <br />Front foot assessment: <br />100% of costs up to and Including <br />plus 80% of costs exceeding SI2.00/ft. <br /> <br />$12.00/foot <br /> <br />Acreage _assessment: <br />($~OO x 120%) <br /> <br />S360.00/acre <br /> <br />Stub charges: <br />($50 x 120%) <br /> <br />S 60.00 eech <br /> <br />~.t <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Front-toot assessment: <br />Commercial, Industrial and tax-exempt: <br />100% of costs to and including <br /> <br />plus 70% of costs exceeding SII.OO/ft <br /> <br />Residential: <br />100% of costs to and Including <br />plus 70% of costs exceeding S7.50/ft. <br /> <br />S 1l.00/foot <br /> <br />$ 7.50/foot <br /> <br />Acreage ~ssessment: <br />($350 x 120%> <br /> <br />$420.00/acre <br /> <br />Stub charge: <br />($ I 30 x II O:!:%) <br /> <br />$145.00 each <br />. <br /> <br />-4- <br />