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<br />. <br /> <br />J .... <br />~..; <br />I~t <br />I iii'.'" '. <br />..,.. ., <br />,- . . <br />I , .' .. <br /> <br />lcf' <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />t' <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />Building Permits Surcharge <br />Attorney Courtney advised the Counc! I of the 1971 legislation re- <br />quiring that a surcharge be paid on all Building Permits to the <br />state, commencing July I, 1971. <br /> <br />After discussion, L. :;tromquist was requested to obtain additional <br />Information from the ~;tate Department of AdministratIon and copies of <br />the Minnesota Bulldln~ Code for use by the Building Inspector, Attorney <br />and Village office. <br /> <br />J. Hollenhorst moved t~at the Council authorize the Clerk Administrator <br />to start collecting thl' required surcharge on July I, 1971; seconded <br />by R. Herrick. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />The Council referred the "Eurcharge" to the Finance Committee for <br />study and Its report to thf Council. <br /> <br />Calph Claim <br />After review of Attorney CC\lrtney's letter of June 4, 1971, G. Hender- <br />son moved that Arden Hills, which Is withholding $4500.00 from the <br />final settlement to Northdale Construction Company, pay Interest <br />from February 8, 1971, on ~~at portion of the $4500.00 which eventua <br />. .m,ay be pa Id to NI),rthdal e Construction Company; seconded .by -R.' 'Herrl c <br /> <br />After discussion on the notion, the motion was <br /> <br />u:::t;~ I.~f~ It~/;~:~-f:, '::ff't::J:.t <br /> <br />__ ,.... .. ............. _ 'ttIe _th'....,...... _...... nded I <br />mot 10;" carried unilillmousfy; motion on the original motion can-tlld <br />!,"~Il_1 ~..! y . __ .u~""'"'~_. u __.",--- -_ <br />, .' 1 <br />_ Tl I, '. lAM. ..... J I J:-, ~t.;"'~l <br />, VI I lago"purchase of prol-o"lrtY,from International Paper Comp~ny,'-~ ; c'W <br />Councl I appolnt.d J. Holle~horst to act as Council liaison to Interne. <br />tlonal Paper ('Jmpany. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />REPORT OF V:LLAGE ENGINEER DONALD LUND <br /> <br />(absent <br /> <br />no report) <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN JOHN HOLLENHORST - Planning an4 Zoning <br /> <br />C~~' No. 70-48, Mobile Home Court Ordinance. <br />r-Hollenhorst moved that the Council approve the amended draft of the <br />'Jblle Home Court Ordinance, dated 6/1/71, and that It be given Its, <br />second reading; seconded by G. Henderson. Motion carried. (Crepeau, <br />Henderson and Hollenhorst voting In favor of the motion. Herrick <br />voting In opposition.) <br /> <br />Case No. 71-17. Street Lighting. <br />After J. Hotlenhorst advised the Council of the Planning Commission's <br />recommendation that the Council not approve the street lighting plan <br />as proposed, the Council tabled the matter. <br /> <br />Ramsey County Park and Open Space System <br />J. Hollenhorst distributed copies of a Resolution, prepared by Planner <br />R. Shetler, and a map Indicating the area that the Planning Commission <br />recommends that the Council encourage the Ramsey County Board of <br />Commissioners to Include In the Ramsey County Open Space System. <br /> <br />Mr. Forrest Bear, Parks and Recreation Committee member, commended <br />and encouraged the Council and PlannIng Commission In their efforts <br />to participate In the Ramsey County Open Space System and advised that <br />the Parks and Recreation Committee has also been pursuing the preserva- <br />tion of wet lands, and requested that the Council Include addltionel <br />areas, as Indicated on a map prepared by the Parks and Recreation <br />Committee, as well 8S the area recommended by the Planning Commission <br />In the map to be attached to the Resolution. <br /> <br />After discussion, R. Herrick moved that the Council approve the <br />Dqr~14l-tlQA (No.1!.:..aJz..), a. s read and amended;,s~.:.~n~l,,,._~...... .. ~.,. .",.;"'" <br />hi .t. ,,'q,~ I . 1 11.- "~'jLL":",;. ~~_.:...' <br /> <br />Case Mo. 71-8~ M. J. Sawyer I II - Special Us. Permit Request <br />J. Hol lenhorst moved that the Counci I approve the Special Use Permit <br />requested by Mr. M. J. Sawyer III, to operate an electrical contractln~ <br />business from his home at 1630 Glenvlew Court, as recommended by the <br />Planning CommIssion; seconded by R. Herrick. Motion carried Unani- <br />mously. <br /> <br />- ~- <br />