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<br />~. <br /> <br />" " <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />Page three <br /> <br />June 14, 1971 <br /> <br />L. Stromquist was requested to prepare the resolution, as amended, <br />and amend the map to Include the areas submitted by Mr. Forrest Bear. <br /> <br />L. Stromquist was authorized to submit the resolution to Mr. Swan, <br />Ramsey County Board of Commissioners after Attorney Courtney determines <br />that the Village retains veto power up until the time the land Is <br />acquired by Ramsey County. <br /> <br />Case No. 71-9 Bethel COllege Academic BUildings Plan <br />J. Hollenhorst advised the Council that the Planning Commission <br />recommends approval of a revised building location plan which shows <br />the proposed buildings as six masses rather than five ma~ses, as <br />originally approved, and moved that the Council concur with the <br />Planning Commission's recommendation; seconded by G. Henderson. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />. Metro Park Bill <br />J. Hollenhorst advised the Council of the proposed Metro Park Bill <br />which provides the Metropolitan Council with the power to acquire <br />land for park and open space by eminent domain and the power to tax. <br /> <br />Mr. Maurice Johnson stated that the Bill (Senate File No.6) has <br />passed the Senate but is meeting strong opposition in the House and <br />has not passed the House to date. <br /> <br />Case No. 71-10. Arden HI lis Sportsmen's Club - Rezoning and Special <br />Use Permit Requests <br />Tabled by the Council for up to sixty (60) days. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMA~ E. GRAY HENDERSON - Finance and Municipal Lands <br />and Buildings <br /> <br />G. Henderson reported that Dr. Sherwood Berg, Chairman of the Finance <br />subcommittee studying VI I lage license fees, has presented a proposed <br />SChedule of license fees for Council consideration and has referred <br />the schedule to the Ordinance Review Commlt+ee for Its recommendations. <br /> <br />The Council tabled the matter, pending recommendations. <br /> <br />EIVlew Construction Company <br />G. Henderson moved that the <br />EIVlew Construction Company <br />'completed to date; seconded <br /> <br />Claim <br />Council approve <br />for the portion <br />by R. Herrick. <br /> <br />payment of $23,536.80 to <br />of building construction <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Chan e Order No.3 EIVlew Construction Com an <br />G. Henderson moved that t e Counc approve IVlew Construction Company <br />Change Order No.3, to re-roof the Village Hall, authorizing the <br />additional payment; seconded by J. Hollenhorst. Motion carried. (Crepeau, <br />l1enderson & .Hollenhorst voting in favor of the motion; Herrick voting <br />in opposition.) <br />Bank Resolution <br />G. Henderson moved that the Council adopt a Resolutlon,<No.____) <br />authorizing rhe First National Bank of St. Paul, Rosevllle State Bank <br />and The First State Bank of New Brighton to accept checks written <br />through the month of June, 1971, signed only by Mayor Henry J. Crepeau, <br />Jr. and Clerk Administrator Lorraine Stromquist; seconded by J. Hollen- <br />horst. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />N.S.P. Rates Meeting. <br />G. Henderson reported that he attended a meeting on June 9, 1971 re <br />the N.S.P. rate proposal, resulting from the Resolution passed by the <br />Village of Arden Hil Is, and several other villages, objecting to the <br />8% electrical rate Increase. <br /> <br />He advised that N.S.P. has agreed to the appointment of a steering <br />committee to study the rate proposal and will accept suggestions emlna- <br />tlng from the study. <br /> <br />-3- <br />