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➢YIN'JTES OF ??F.GJIF,k ,P.RD�N 3ILIS V2LI�E�G� CO�N�IL R�ElT�G - h4srch 27, 1961 <br />P_ a�e. 6 <br />• I�;eyor Ashbach: VJe wculc3 be �villing to t ake up the proposition of Sery o <br />Boat Corporation�s neise test. iie nas�ed several of the me4 <br />who had spoken earlier, vrho, if they could take the tirne, <br />should be available wlien this test is run. <br />:�:r.IvicClung: I feel I+rrould be biased, this projact ha� no advantag,e and the <br />community has seqt a petitiop a�ainst the project. <br />Jia� ?�iller; I agree with P�r. I�,�eClung but �vill go alcn� v�ith the test. It <br />is a t�ing v;o do not want here. I�vill be happy to gatf�er <br />data and :rri11 attempt to borro�+.r a sound level meter. <br />I�'Iayor Ashbach: I:�ave met Ivir. idoore before but nave not met any of the <br />other Men of Sery o i�oat Corp, rIo�vever, if these men are <br />wiliing to invest in Arden ?Ltlls vri11 tnis attract other <br />investments3 <br />I-1 <br />U <br />• <br />N�r.Crepeau: I�Nill be willing to listern to the test. <br />3i:rs. Stromquist: Tne people are opposed. Perhaps it has its good points <br />but no advanta�e has been pointed out for us in having it. <br />i:owever, I would be willing to hear the test. <br />ivir, Kennedy moved, h'�r. Crepeau seconded a motion that arra7gements be <br />�nade. for a noise test tne date to be made knovrn to Council sufficiently <br />in advance so a good cross section of the community could listen and <br />determine the noise factor. Carried. <br />�JIr. Jim Miller expressed inUerest in whether the maximum n�mber of carts <br />and horsepower could be gathered for the test. <br />T�4r. Moore suggested n,s. Jim Niller help work out the details. <br />REZOIdIDIG Or DR. HOUI,E'S PftOTECT: This was in r�egard to Dr. Houle�s <br />oeti ion to.rezone propert3r for purposes of constructin� a rest home. The <br />matter e�as originally opened for rublic hearing at the regu].ar arden riills <br />Village Council meeting of February 27th but tabled for a vote until },4ayor <br />Ashbach returned from his vacation so that it vrould be a itill Council vote. <br />i��syor Ashbach; I would not vote for rezoning of this property unless <br />r. Houlo would present a plan of his building and grounds <br />to the Council that vrould laeet with the reside�ts of the <br />community. In f'act a cormnittee of re9idents should be <br />appointed to v�ork with Dr. Honle, his architect, etc. to <br />word out a reasonaale and ecceptaLle plan then we would <br />vote on the rezoning and a building permit at th.e same <br />time. <br />Residents exg�ressed anxiety at �rhat Dr. Eoule might want to put ip the <br />additional property he owns. i�dayor Ashbach suggested 'ne would not vote <br />for rezoning of any pr•operty other than that needed ior nuraing home. <br />Don Engle: Aren't vae multiplgino our problems by granting this area <br />rezoned - at a lator date v�ill wa '_�zve to grant further <br />rezoning? <br />\ <br />` � <br />