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COUNCILD7AiV CRICHTOiJ; That would be another thousand from <br />what I figured, but that's about 52,300 for acreage, which <br />might be about $9,000 or $10,000. <br />MR, LAWYER: In any case, as far as we're concerned, I'm <br />• not concerned with a hundred here or there, but it°s clearly <br />punitive and prohibitive. <br />P7AYOR CREPEAU: Anyane else? <br />MR, JOH'iQ LUNDQUIST, owns 15 acres south of Round Lakeo I'd <br />just like to register support for the base plan. I represent <br />an estate on the southwest corner of Round Lake. For the <br />reasons (inaudible) previously expressed to allow development <br />of that land> <br />MAYOR CREPEAUs How many acres are you talking about: <br />PRR, LUNDQUIST: I think it°s about 15 acres. <br />• <br />MR, BOB GRIFFIS, owns 17 acres west of Round Lakee I'm <br />representing Griffis, Inc. and we own approximately 17 acres <br />on the west side of Round Lake and are supporting the base <br />plan for the water improveirent. <br />P1R. CdILLIAP+i REE�IES, 1660 Highway 96 e tde don't need the <br />improvement on Highway 96, <br />�IR. LEONARD GRUDNOSKE, 4445 Aighway 10: If we could dead- <br />end that for a temporary deal because we have to (inaudible). <br />I don°t know how long a shot that iso it's a dead-end line <br />for years, and has anybody thought of servicing that off of <br />New Brighton or the other side of Round Lake? Does New <br />Brighton have a line there from when they had the property there? <br />MR, CHRISTOFEERSEN: There is no property of New Briqhton <br />on that side of the road and I think they're on their own well <br />system, and we cannot under contract with Sta PauZ and Roseville <br />connect with any other water system. <br />hIR> GRUDNOSKE: This seems like a bad time of the year to <br />start letting a big contract because the contractors are <br />loaded with work and it seems maybe next year might be the <br />same thinq (inaudible) at this time and 2'm opposed to it at <br />this time. <br />MP,YOR CREPEAU: Anyone else? <br />P4Re HERB KING, 1504 West High�aay 96; I'd like to say <br />again we're opposed to the water. <br />MR. DAN VAUGHN, (one of the owners of Asden Manor): You <br />were good with the calculator. What would be the assessment <br />against the raobile home park7 <br />E <br />