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COUNCILMAIV CitICHTOiQ: I don't have the measurement - <br />either the footage or acreage. <br />riYR. VAUGIi�V: We're talking about 60 acres, and 45 in the <br />other parcel. <br />• COUNCILf�1AN U700DBURN: How much do you take out? You take <br />out a bunch of depth. <br />NiR. CHRISTOFFERSEN: First of all, fiqure your frontage <br />that you own - and I don't know how much frontage, This is <br />kind of (inaudible) and measure that and draw a iine 200 feet <br />behind it and subtract that strip from the other area and that <br />remaininq area would be on an area basis, so if this piece <br />were left off you'd subtract the 200 foot strip here and <br />figure the area on the remaining portion, <br />COUNCZLMAN CRICHTON: We don't know what it �aill cost, �n�. <br />we don°t know how ft would be assessed out, 49e have the <br />engineer's assessment on this sort of plan which is like we <br />have fallowed before, but until the project is figured and �ae <br />hold an assessment hearing we can't know what the amouni� would <br />be, On this basis it looks like $25,000 to 530,000 doi_��g the <br />arith�tic this way. <br />MR, VAUGHN: It looks like a lot more to me. <br />COUNCILT�7AiV CRICHTON: If it were all acreage it would be <br />$25,000, but there will be some front footage, <br />PQRe VAUGHN: But (inaudible) more than (inaudible), Before <br />we ever had the possibility of getting water we took the steps <br />to put in a very deep well which provides 60 pounds of water <br />pressure. By the way, what dces the normal water system pro- <br />vide? <br />MR. CHRISTOFFERSEN: It depends on where you're located. <br />It will vary from 30 pounds to 80 pounds. <br />MRe tIAUGHN: T,Jhat would it be up the 2ine there? <br />MR. CHRISTOFFERSEN: I think that the calculations were <br />based on fire flow of approximately 2000 gallons per minute <br />cahich would give you approximately thirty-some poundse <br />That's at the rate of flow. That would be a higher pressure <br />at a lower rate of flow. <br />� P�1R. VAUGHN: So you have 30 pounds of pressure and we <br />have 60 pounds. <br />�IR. CHRISTOFFERSEN: You can only deliver probably at <br />the most, if I recall - it's 500 gallons a mi.nute and that's <br />10 <br />