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� <br />`•� MR. CHRISTOFFERSEN: "I did not put in the report what each <br />property owner would be assessed, I did that purposely. The <br />Buetow people did call me and ask what I thought the frontage <br />would be as picked off a section map, and I gave it to them, <br />and they made the multiplication." <br />COUNCILMAN CRICHTON: "It's the engineer•s recommendatfon, <br />but nothing is settled." <br />MR. FLAI�RTY: "8ad you xecoaunended that it be asseased <br />that way?" <br />NII2. CHRISTOFFERSEN: "It wasn't my intention that there be <br />a recommendation for an assessment. I put it in the report to <br />give the Council an idea how much it would cost on a basis <br />that's familiar to them." <br />COUNCiLMAN CRTCF�fON: "I mis-stated. It wasn't his recom- <br />mendation. He stated that if it's done this way that's how <br />it would be spread and that's 100% on frontage and that's com- <br />monly on streets, and acreage is common on storm sewer, so on <br />the standard practice of what has been done in the past, that's <br />what this is based on. I didn't want to make a recommendation <br />at this time. That's done at the assessment hearinq." <br />I�Ilt. POPOVICH: "And the way he stated it is 100%, and that's <br />the worst possible thing the property owners could have." <br />MR. FLAFiERTY: <br />MR. POPOVZCH: <br />• <br />"That we could have." <br />"Yes, that you could have." <br />COUNCILMAN CRICHT�N: "At the assessment hearing, for example, <br />I will. ask questions like how do we treat corners in another <br />development when you put in homes or businesses. Does a property <br />owner on a corner pay footage on both sides of the corner. This <br />was our first three sided corner, so we don't have a precedent, <br />but that would be important to me. How have we handled corners <br />before7" <br />NIIt. CHI2ISTOFFERSEN: "We'd have to go back into the (in- <br />audible)." <br />COUNCILMAN CRICHTON: "I want to look at it at the time af <br />assessments, but I don't think I could do it now.�� <br />G7 <br />