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� <br />MAYOR CREPEAUs "And if the project is finished this year <br />� we could probably talk assessments this year." <br />IrIIt. FLAHERTY: "Is it out of line to get some kind of <br />indication how the people feel ot� the assessments, even though <br />everybody understands it's not binding?" <br />MAYOR CREPEAVa "No, I don't believe that would be out of <br />line. There are no commitments." <br />MR. FLAE�RTY: "Nobody is committing anything, but what <br />we would be doing is transferring land we now own to accomplish <br />this and sort of doing that in the blind, so to speak. That may <br />be the way they do things outside of the normal business routine, <br />but that's not the way you do it in business." <br />COUNCILMAN CRICHTON: "What we have to decide ie, is it <br />feasible for the City of Arden Aills regardless of who pays <br />how much. Is it worth it to the city, and at the assessment <br />hearing we try to distribute the costs in an appropriate way to <br />what the benefit is received. I understand your cottcern as far <br />(inaudible) on the trade of the property to accomplish this. <br />I've kind of assumed right along that without the trade we <br />couldn't do the development. You're picking up land where you <br />do not have access today for some other land that you do, and <br />presumably making a better arrangement all the way around so <br />far as the trade is concerned. I don't understand (inaudiblej." <br />MR. FLAHERTY:" "I want to make that point clear without <br />offending anybody, and we're dedicating quite an amount for <br />that ponding area which is a benefit not just to us, but to <br />all of the people," <br />COUNCILMAN CRiCHTON: "I'm sure that will be taken into <br />consideration when the (inaudible),�� <br />• MAYOR CREPEAU: "You had the worat possible picture painted <br />for you and I'm certainly not in favor of that. I'd like <br />(inaudible} of you gentlemen to make - not a committment - but <br />make a atatement." <br />COUNCILMAN CRICI3�ON: "I have already indicated some con- <br />sideration should be given in some fashion to the fact that <br />these is a corner involved." <br />-11- <br />