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� <br />� <br />MR• CHRI51'OFFEitSEN: "From 96 north, that number is about <br />$121,40o. That other piece oE pipe - my estimate goes Erom <br />96 clear down to 694, and that's probably a little high. 2 <br />guess I can't take a good shot at tYtat. Maybe half of what <br />shows there or (inau�tfble).�� <br />COUNCILMAN CRICi�fON: '�So, it might be $100,000 for that <br />section." <br />• MR. CHItISTOFFER3EDT: "You may be looking at leaving those <br />two off, off the cuff, about $300,Op0. It certainly - if that <br />is left off now. and like what you sai@, I support it whole- <br />heartedly - iE that's a separate project T v.�ould assume it <br />would cost much �re, The conatruction index hae gone up <br />quite a bit since 1972, and that's primarily off the engineering <br />newsletter index, and thafi's ta3sen throvghout the nation, and <br />a1so, my estimates are baeed on bids that were taken here <br />• locally." <br />• COUNCILMAfi CRICHTON: "My question is not with the con- <br />struction index fiyures going up, but for the {inaudible} but <br />the esca2ation of all costs gaing up. ...." <br />• <br />• <br />� <br />COUNCILMAN AAN30N: ��i think the fact that Mr. Bussard <br />is not here i.ndicates that he wants it. He has �re than <br />one lot." <br />Councilman Hanson then commented on studies he has read <br />indicating that the undexwater supply under the Metropolitan <br />area is �ufficient, and that peopie living in Arden Hills <br />could cont£nue to use their wells, but also have the water <br />systems. <br />COUNCSLMAN CRICHTON: "Perhaps this comea after the public <br />hearing is closed, but I would like to - before we resolve the <br />matter - I would like to get a recalculetfon from the enqineer, <br />dropping out those two sections to see what the affect v,+ou�d <br />be on the per footage cost and acreage cost.�� <br />MAYOR CREPEAIT: �'We could get alternate bids." <br />MR. CHRISTOFFERSEN: "That would be easy to do. JUst have <br />a total bid and add-on bids, and probably get a more clear <br />story that way." <br />13 <br />